Understanding WebSphere Clustering

The implementation of WebSphere clustering permits the deployment of application components and services to several machines with a single face to the client. When a client requests a service, it should make no difference if the service runs on a single server or across a number of servers. The clustering abstraction provides you with a clear route to improving the performance and scalability of the applications with increased administration of hardware and network resources. WebSphere clustering provides these benefits:

  • Scalability

    A clustered solution allows you to create additional capacity by introducing more servers to the cluster, thereby reducing the load on existing servers. For the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Transaction Server with the Real Time (RTE) Application, you can add as many servers and messaging engines as you like to meet the performance requirement. The RTE application on WebSphere achieves scalability with the implementation of a messaging engine policy.

  • Load balancing

    The ability to distribute requests across all members of the cluster, according to the workload on each server. WebSphere handles load balancing as defined by the Load Balancing Algorithm that you configure on cluster setup. The Transaction Server with RTE on WebSphere only supports round-robin load balancing policy for the RTE application.

  • High availability

    A mix of features that ensure applications and services are available even if a server or machine fails. Clients can continue to work with little or no disruption in a highly available environment. RTE on WebSphere achieves high availability with the implementation of a messaging engine policy.