Setting a Task Break in Unattended Workbench Mode

In unattended workbench, you can set task breaks before or after any of the individual workbenches. You can use the task break to verify successful completion of a workbench or for other tasks. For example, set a task break after Table Conversion Workbench to verify that all table conversions completed successfully. An automatic task break occurs after Control Table Workbench, preceding Table Conversion Workbench.

To set a task break in unattended workbench mode:

  1. Open the System Installation Tools menu (GH961).

  2. Select Advanced Operations.

  3. Double-click Work with Task Breaks.

    The Work with Task Breaks form appears.

  4. Click Find.

    A list of the workbenches appears.

  5. To set a break before or after a workbench, choose the workbench name, and, on the Row menu, select Break Before or Break After.

    You can clear task breaks on the Row menu.

  6. On Task Break Revisions, specify the following fields:

    • email Address (optional)

      Specify (or choose from a list) the address book number of the person who is to be notified when the task break occurs.

    • Task Break

      Specify (blank) for no task break or 2 for a customer task break. If the field is left blank, then no task break is configured.

    • Task Break Short Text (required)

      Enter a short text description of the task break.

    • Optional Detail (optional)

      Enter detailed information about the task break.

  7. Click OK.

    Task Break Revisions closes, and Work with Task Breaks reappears. Specify any further task breaks.

  8. Click Close.