Rerunning Table Conversion Programs

To rerun table conversion programs:

  1. Technical conversions can be rerun without restoration. For process type 5 only, when you run a table conversion program from Table Conversion Workbench, the following occurs:

    • All table conversions should be rerun through the Table Conversion Workbench. If the status of the conversion is 60, you might need to change it back to 30.

    • The table conversion engine uses the object map to locate the table being converted in both the From and To environments.

    In the upgrade to Release 9.2, most application tables being converted will reside on the same data source on the from and to environments. This creates an in-place conversion.

    The physical table on the data source should be formatted following the specifications for the previous release.

    The table conversion engine creates a temporary table on this data source. Drop all temporary tables before starting the Table Conversion rerun procedure. The temporary file name has the notation <Table>TCTemp 'for example, F03B20TCTEMP.

    To find these tables:

    • Enter these commands:

    • Use the Query Analyzer to connect to your enterprise environment database (for example, PS_DEV) and enter this command:

      Select as 'Table name' from sysobjects a 
      where like 'F%TCTEMP'
    • Use SQLPlus to connect to your instance and enter this command:

      Select a.table_name "TABLE NAME" from dba_tables a  
      where a.table_name like 'F%TCTEMP'
    • Use db2cmd to connect to your environment database (for example, JDE_DEVELOPMENT) and enter this command:

      Select creator, name from sysibm.systables where name like 'F%TCTEMP'

      For each of these databases, for each temp table, enter this command:

      DROP TABLE owner.tablename
    • Do not drop temp tables for conversions still running.

    • Enter this command:

    • If restarting a conversion, first verify the original table was not dropped, then drop the temp table. For a Table Conversion, the base table must be in the old format. For Alter and Merge Conversions, this is not necessary.

    Data is copied to the temporary table, the original table is deleted, and the temporary table is renamed to the original table name.

    Clear out tables F40941, F40942, F40943, F0618TA, F42140A, F42150A, F42160A, F3201, F3211, F3215, F3216, F3290.

  2. If the table conversion program has run but the table is still in its original format in the data source for the release from which you are upgrading, run the conversion program without file restoration. If the table conversion program has run but the table format in the data source has changed in the release from which you are upgrading, restore the table to its original format before running the conversion program again.

    When the table conversion engine runs an in-place table conversion, the temporary table required for an in-place conversion could be created and never dropped. In this case, rerunning the conversion program fails when creating the temporary table because the table already exists. To resolve this, drop or rename the temporary table before rerunning the table conversion. The temporary table has the name of the table being converted followed by the initials "TC" followed by the report name of the conversion program being run. The temporary name has the notation TableTCTEMP, for example, F03B20TCTEMP.

  3. When the upgrade is complete and you are satisfied with the results, delete all SY = 89 tables from their data sources.