Table Conversion Workbench Architecture

Select Convert All (this is used automatically when running unattended) or Convert Selected to run the TC Workbench program (P98413).

The Convert All selection causes the program to run with two loops. The outer loop keeps running until there are no more TCs to run, and there are no more TCs in a running status. The inner loop runs through the F98405 table looking for all TCs at a status less than 60. As it reads each new record, it then checks to see if there are any TCs waiting at status 35 for dependencies. It first tries to run those (checks again if their dependencies are satisfied), before trying to run the new TC that it just read.

The Technical TCs (those that are at conversion sequence < 100) run one at a time. For TCs above sequence 100, Convert All uses the maximum batch jobs specified in the Plan (4 by default), meaning it submits up to that number of TCs at once. You control how many are actually running at any time by your queue set up by using the P986130 program. The default setup is four (4) batch jobs at once. Selecting Convert All submits 4, then loops waiting for a job to end and submits the next job. If you set your queue to a number larger than 4, only 4 are submitted at a time.

For each TC it tries to submit, it first checks whether that TC has dependencies and checks the status of those dependencies. If any of the dependencies is still running (status 45), this TC is changed to status 35 (waiting for dependencies).

The Convert Selected option can be used to submit several TCs at once and keeps looping till they are submitted. It does not keep looping till they have run. Press Find to see if they are done.

The P98413 program monitors and updates the F98405 table, which is maintained locally in JDEPLAN. The TCs update the F984052 table, which is maintained in System - 920. At any point in time, there are records in the F98405 table at status 45 for TCs that actually have completed. The TC Workbench calls a business function at various points in its loop, which compares the F984052 and F98405 table, and updates the status in the F98405 to completed (60) or failed (50). If the TC Workbench fails (for example, you cancel out of it), go into the Custom Plan application and drill down into your TCs, and press Find. This synchronizes the F98405 table with the F984052 table. Clicking the Find button on the TC Workbench also synchronizes the F98405 and F984052 tables.

If the Enterprise Server fails while running the TC Workbench, you may have up to 4 jobs at status 45 (running), even though they may have failed. Follow the instructions in the write-up on restarting the TC Workbench, to get everything back into sync. (Remember the Find button on the Custom Plans [Table Conversions] synchronizes the F98405 with F984052 tables.) If a TC actually fails on the server (for example, you cancel the job) it will never get as far as updating the F984052 table, and the process is not able to update the F98405 table correctly. Selecting either Convert Selected or Convert All, does not re-submit anything that is at status 45. When restarting the TC Workbench, you need to resolve manually whether any of the jobs at status 45 are still running, and set the status back to 30 or 50 if you want the TC Workbench to re-submit them.

All the Table Conversions have the same job name, which is R98405A. When looking in the jde.log for that job, there is a message stating which TC is running.