Upgrading from 8.11 or Below

This section contains a list of all the Table Conversions required when upgrading from 8.11 or below.

Upgrading from 8.11 or Below

Conversion Program

Run this Job





To populate F08771A when upgrading from 8.11 or below.

The Processing Option of this job sets the value for the new field MSEB in the table F08771A.

This TC populates the F08771A tag table with the MSEB value from the processing option value selected.

The tag table F08771A was added with the MSEB column to allow managers to signoff on the final performance appraisal on behalf of the employee. A value of "1" means Yes, managers can approve or contest the final appraisal on the employee's behalf. A value of "0" means No, employees access the appraisal system through Employee Self Service and approve or contest the appraisal themselves.


To populate F08772A when upgrading from 8.11 or below.

The Processing Option of this job sets the value for the new field MSEB in the table F08772A.

This TC populates the F08772A tag table with the MSEB value from the processing option value selected.

The tag table F08772A was added with the MSEB column to allow managers to signoff on the final performance appraisal on behalf of the employee. A value of "1" means Yes, managers can approve or contest the final appraisal on the employee's behalf. A value of "0" means No, employees access the appraisal system through Employee Self Service and approve or contest the appraisal themselves.


To populate F08773A when upgrading from 8.11 or below.

The Processing Option of this job sets the value for the new field MSEB in the table F08773A.

This TC populates the F08773A tag table with the MSEB value from the processing option value selected.

The tag table F08773A was added with the MSEB column to allow managers to signoff on the final performance appraisal on behalf of the employee. A value of "1" means Yes, managers can approve or contest the final appraisal on the employee's behalf. A value of "0" means No, employees access the appraisal system through Employee Self Service and approve or contest the appraisal themselves.

R89087711A | XJDE0001

To populate F087711A Current when upgrading from 8.11 or below.

The Processing Option of this job sets the value for the new field MSEB in the table F087711A.

This TC populates the F087711A tag table with the MSEB value from the processing option value selected.

The tag table F087711A was added with the MSEB column to allow managers to sign off on the final performance appraisal on behalf of the employee. A value of "1" means Yes, managers can approve or contest the final appraisal on the employee's behalf. A value of "0" means No, employees access the appraisal system through Employee Self Service and approve or contest the appraisal themselves.

R89087711A | XJDE0002

To populate F087711A Historic when upgrading from 8.11 or below.

The Processing Option of this job sets the value for the new field MSEB in the table F087711A.

This TC populates the F087711A tag table with the MSEB value from the processing option value selected.

The tag table F087711A was added with the MSEB column to allow managers to sign off on the final performance appraisal on behalf of the employee. A value of "1" means Yes, managers can approve or contest the final appraisal on the employee's behalf. A value of "0" means No, employees access the appraisal system through Employee Self Service and approve or contest the appraisal themselves.


To generate F76C4011 from F0411 when upgrading from 8.11 or below.


To convert F13907 SWO (Separate Work Order) field from 8.11 or below.

Run after the table conversions have completed.

Any data in the SWO field that used to be a Y will be changed to a 1. Any data in the SWO field that used to be an N will be changed to a 2.

Prior to 8.11 SP1, there was no editing for the Separate Work Order (SWO) field in the Associative Service Types (P13907) application. The existing application allowed entries of Y, N, 1, or 2, however the UDC attached to the SWO data dictionary only listed values of 1 and 2.

To keep things simple, editing was turned on for the DD item so new entries into that fields would be validated against the UDC. Since clients could have existing data that used a Y or N, this post-install was created to correct that data.


To generate F76C4015 from F0411 when upgrading from 8.11 and SAR 7668978 has not been previously applied. Do not run if upgrading from 8.10 or below.

Requires use of Venezuela's localization.

For each Credit\Debit Note in table F0411 related to a Voucher in table F0411, the TC generates a record into table F76V4015 to relate the Credit\Debit Note and the Voucher.


To generate F76V4011 from F76V0401 when upgrading from 8.11 and SAR 7668978 has not been previously applied. Do not run if upgrading from 8.10 or below.

Requires use of Venezuela's localization.

For each record in table F76V401, the TC generates a record into table F76V4011 to store the localized voucher information.


To populate F3016T from F3016 when upgrading from 8.11 or below.


This TC creates a corresponding F3016T tag record for every existing F3016 record.


To fix CTKID in F3283 when upgrading from 8.11 or below.


This TC cleans up the data in F3283 for the entire table.

This report should fix all the records. If there are any problems, the records shall be listed on the report. These problematic records can be re-run using R893283L UBE, which uses data selection. Run the records that had issues. If problems persist, these records may need to be manually removed from the database and re-added.


To fix CTKID in select F3283 records when upgrading from 8.11 or below.


This TC cleans up the data in F3283 for select records.

Run this TC only if there were problematic records reported in R893283F.


To fix CFGSID in F32xx when upgrading from 8.11 or below.


This TC cleans up the data in F3215, F3211, F32119, F32159 and F41021 for the entire table.

This report should fix all the records. If there are any problems, the records shall be listed on the report. These problematic records can be re-run using R893215L UBE, which uses data selection. Run the records that had issues. If problems persist, these records may need to be manually removed from the database and re-added.


To fix CFGSID in select F32xx records when upgrading from 8.11 or below.


This TC cleans up the data in F3215, F3211, F32119, F32159 and F41021 for select records.

Run this TC only if there were problematic records reported in R893215F.


To populate the new Debit Amounts AND01-14 in F0902 when upgrading from 8.11 or below.

Run after the table conversions have completed.

The Repost on menu G09316 updates the F0902 table with the Debit Amounts.

Debit fields AND01-14 that were formerly located in tag table F0902A were added to the F0902.

Many applications require data for total debits or total credits. Prior to the change, the data was obtained from the F0911, causing performance issues. With this change the data is retrieved from the F0902 resulting in improved performance.

R8900165JC | XJDE0001

To convert media object data from GT0901 to ACCGT for Job Status Inquiry.


This conversion copies the data in F00165 for GT0901 to ACCGT so Job Status Inquiry can access the media object.

Prior to 8.11 SP1, Job Status Inquiry was using the media object for GT0901 but all of the other job cost applications were using ACCGT. In order to make the media object data consistent across all of job cost, Job Status Inquiry was changed to use ACCGT instead of GT0901.

You only need to run this conversion if you are using Job Status Inquiry with media object data in GT0901.


To convert CTS1, CTS2, CTS3, and CTS9 (collectively referred to as CTSx) data item values from 2 display decimals to match the display decimals of the TRQT data item (4 decimals).

You must run this program to increase the decimal precision of the CTSx data items if you use these data items to store unaccounted units.

The R8931CTSX table conversion program retrieves the TRQT data dictionary display decimals and converts the values of the CTSx data items in all affected tables to match the TRQT display decimals. The R8931CTSX program calls the Data Decimal Conversion business function (B8900010) for each CTSx data item. The UBE locates all tables containing the data item and selects non-zero values for conversion. The program converts the CTSx value and updates the table.

The default setting of the CTSx data items to 2 display decimals may cause rounding discrepancies. Therefore, Oracle recommends that you run this table conversion program to increase the decimal precision of the CTSx data items.

After running the R8931CTSX program, change the display decimal setting of the CTSx data items in the E920 data dictionary to 4 to match the display decimal setting of the TRQT data item. For more information, refer to the Data Conversion Updates for Decimal Precision of Unaccounted Units document (2438553.1) on My Oracle Support:
