Upgrading from 8.11 SP1 or Below

This section contains a list of all the Table Conversions required when upgrading from 8.11 SP1 or below.

Upgrading from 8.11 SP1 or Below

Conversion Program

Run this Job





To convert GT08495 Media Object from 8.11 SP1 or below.

This is to be run after the F00165 table has been successfully upgraded in the automatic Upgrade Plan.


This media object supported resumes and cover letters in the eRecruit module. Changes were made to allow the resume and cover letter to be searched with Verity text search.


To save Internal Applicant Address Info when upgrading from 8.11 SP1 or below.




To convert F069116 from 8.11 SP1 or below.

The processing option on this job prompts the user for a value to update the new field DEFR in F069116.

To update the new column DEFR in F069116. It is updated with a value of "1", "2", or "3" based on the processing option value.

This TC simply calls a BSFN (B8902023) that will do a mass update to DEFR based on the processing option value.


To convert Activities from 8.11 SP1.

Prior to running this post upgrade UBE, all users of activity system should already have universal time (time zone) and daylight savings rule set in their user profiles.

The processing option on this job prompts the user to enter the maximum number of occurrences for never ending activities.

To populate new and changed fields in F01301.

To populate new field in F01331 and create new exclusion records for assignees.

To write activity details in F01301D.

For recurring activity with no end date: To update F01321 with a calculated end date based on the maximum number of occurrences specified in the Processing Option.

To update F01321 with the combination of the originator's time zone and daylight saving rules (separated by |).

F01301 (Activity Header): The owner parent record is assigned a new GUID for the group activity ID. All assignee's activity records are reassigned the same GUID as the parent owner. "All Day" events and tasks are now stored with time starting 00:00:00 and ending 23:59:59 local time of the orignator's time zone from the user profile.

F01331 (Exclusion): The existing exclusion record is updated with the Activity id of the Owner Master record. New exclusion records are created for the excluded assignee's series. The activity id updated for the new exclusion records is the activity id of the assignee's master record.

F01321 (Recurrence Master): For recurring activities that have no end date, a finite end date is calculated based on the max number of occurrences specified in the UBE processing option. In addition, the combination of the activity's originator's time zone and daylight saving rule (fields separated by |) is updated in URCH.

F01301D (Activity Details): Physical activity records for every instance of a recurring activity rescind in the new activity detail table F01301D. Activity search applications are changed to search over this new table, which allows for faster and easier search capabilities.


To populate F4801T1 from F4801T when upgrading from 8.11 SP1 or below. Only customers that have data for ETO in F4801 need to run this TC. Do not run this TC if the ESU was applied prior to upgrade.


This post-install UBE will populate table F4801T1 with data from F4801T. If there are records in F4801T with PRJM (project number) field populated corresponding records would be created in F4801T1. The only field that gets populated from F4801T into F4801T1 is DOCO.


To convert CTS1, CTS2, CTS3, and CTS9 (collectively referred to as CTSx) data item values from 2 display decimals to match the display decimals of the TRQT data item (4 decimals).

You must run this program to increase the decimal precision of the CTSx data items if you use these data items to store unaccounted units.

The R8931CTSX table conversion program retrieves the TRQT data dictionary display decimals and converts the values of the CTSx data items in all affected tables to match the TRQT display decimals. The R8931CTSX program calls the Data Decimal Conversion business function (B8900010) for each CTSx data item. The UBE locates all tables containing the data item and selects non-zero values for conversion. The program converts the CTSx value and updates the table.

The default setting of the CTSx data items to 2 display decimals may cause rounding discrepancies. Therefore, Oracle recommends that you run this table conversion program to increase the decimal precision of the CTSx data items.

After running the R8931CTSX program, change the display decimal setting of the CTSx data items in the E920 data dictionary to 4 to match the display decimal setting of the TRQT data item. For more information, refer to the Data Conversion Updates for Decimal Precision of Unaccounted Units document (2438553.1) on My Oracle Support:
