Upgrading from 8.12 or Below

This section contains a list of all the Table Conversions required when upgrading from 8.12 or below.

Upgrading from 8.12 or Below

Conversion Program

Run this Job





To update Expense Location UDC Codes when upgrading from 8.12 or below.


To reformat the values in UDC 09E|EL.

The size of the UDC Code 09E|EL has been increased to 10 characters. This caused the values to be left padded with spaces to make up the difference in size. This UBE will remove that left padding.


To add data items to Future Data \ History Tracking when upgrading from 8.12 or below.


To create a record in F06041 and F08041 for each new data item added to the F060116. For records added, set respective flags in tables (ICDE, XCOD) = "N"

F06041 - Future Data FieldsF08041 - History Tracking Fields. These tables are pre-populated with records that the client may toggle to "on" or "off" for tracking history. In 90, 2 new fields were added, that will be shipped with the data set. For customers upgrading, from say 812 to 90, the ube would be run to add the two new records, but maintain the existing data set that the customer may have changed. This UBE should ensure that the client's preferences are not lost, while gaining the ability to modify the two new records.


When upgrading from 8.12.


To convert all existing Web Only versions to full versions.



To change GT15L101 Key when upgrading from 8.12 or below.

This post-install UBE, must be run AFTER the R8915L101 TC has completed successfully.

The purpose of this Table Conversion is to enable customers to convert existing media objects in the F00165 that match the GT15L101 media object structure. Since the F15L101 table was changed to include UKID in the primary key, the resulting media objects attached to the unit master were also changed to match this key. As a result, a conversion was written to "re-key" those media objects to utilize the updated key structure. This conversion was required as a result of changes made to support inclusion of multiple leases (i.e. future leases and speculative leases).

This conversion program does not need to be run unless the Media Objects Storage (F00165) table contains very specific data. If the OBNM field of any record contains GT15L101, the table conversion is necessary. Although it is not harmful to run the procedure anyway, you can determine if the table conversion is necessary by performing the following SQL statement (with the appropriate syntax, against the appropriate database).

Select count (*) from F00165 where GDOBNM = 'GT15L101'

If the returned count is greater than zero, the conversion program must be run. This count is the number of records that are candidates to be analyzed by this UBE.


When upgrading from previous releases and running India Localizations.

Apply ESU for SAR 8868437 to add R89I100B to the menu. If the ESU has not been applied and the conversion needs to be run, you must do it manually from Batch Versions.

To combine the information from F75I100 and F75I101A into one table and add new fields for TDS Certificate functionality.

This table was modified to save information that was in the F75I100 table and F75I101A table. Also, some new fields were added to this table. The conversion program copies the old F75I100 records, completes the new fields with blank or zero, and moves information from F75I101A to F75I100 record.


To convert all Grower Area fields to the correct format based on the new display decimals when upgrading from 8.12 or below.

Four processing Options exist for this conversion:

1 - Data Item Class.

2 - New Data Display Decimals.

3 - Enter 1 to Update the Display Decimals in the Data Dictionary.

4 - Enter 1 to convert the data and update the tables.

Display decimal changes in the Data Dictionary are not updated through the upgrade process. A new data class is created for the grower area fields (GROWERAREA). This post install UBE will update the display decimals (specified in the UBE processing options) for the new data class. The UBE will also convert the data to the correct format for the new display decimals for the following tables:

F40G03 - Harvest Master

F40G0300 - Update Harvest Profile

F40G02 - Block Master

F40G0200 - Update Block Profile

F40G65 - Farming Operation Header

F31B70 - Vessel Assignment Table

The following DB items were created with varying lengths and no display decimals. In 9.0, they are modified to have display decimals with a length of 4. The DD items are: PLTAREA, GRSAREA, TRTAREA, PAREA1, PAREA2, PAREA3.


When upgrading from 8.11 SP1 or 8.12 and you have existing Pool Grouping Code records in the F48S84 table.

Run this batch application after the F48S84 table has been converted.

This batch application will update the ending date if applicable on records in the Pool Grouping Code Table (F48S84).

An Ending Effective Date has been added to the F48S84 table. This job should be run to ensure there is no overlapping pool grouping code records. If there is a pool grouping code with different begin dates, the batch application R48S84A will update the ending date of the earlier record with an ending date one day prior to the begin date of the next record.

Note: This Post Install UBE is only needed when upgrading from 8.11 SP1 and 8.12


To convert CTS1, CTS2, CTS3, and CTS9 (collectively referred to as CTSx) data item values from 2 display decimals to match the display decimals of the TRQT data item (4 decimals).

You must run this program to increase the decimal precision of the CTSx data items if you use these data items to store unaccounted units.

The R8931CTSX table conversion program retrieves the TRQT data dictionary display decimals and converts the values of the CTSx data items in all affected tables to match the TRQT display decimals. The R8931CTSX program calls the Data Decimal Conversion business function (B8900010) for each CTSx data item. The UBE locates all tables containing the data item and selects non-zero values for conversion. The program converts the CTSx value and updates the table.

The default setting of the CTSx data items to 2 display decimals may cause rounding discrepancies. Therefore, Oracle recommends that you run this table conversion program to increase the decimal precision of the CTSx data items.

After running the R8931CTSX program, change the display decimal setting of the CTSx data items in the E920 data dictionary to 4 to match the display decimal setting of the TRQT data item. For more information, refer to the Data Conversion Updates for Decimal Precision of Unaccounted Units document (2438553.1) on My Oracle Support:
