
After you process a payroll, you should verify the integrity of your payroll history. You use this history for the following purposes:

  • Government reports

  • Year-end forms

  • Internal reporting purposes

To verify the integrity of your payroll history, you run integrity reports to identify the following types of information:

  • Discrepancies within the summary history tables

  • Discrepancies between the summary history tables and their corresponding detail tables

  • Information in the summary tables that is missing, inaccurate, or incomplete

You should run payroll history integrity reports monthly, quarterly, and before you begin year-end processing. You should review each error that displays on the integrity reports to determine what action, if any, you must take to correct the error. Depending on the error, you must correct payroll history either by revising the appropriate payroll information or by making changes to the payroll history tables. The system can correct other errors automatically when you run integrity reports in update mode. The Payroll system includes error code tables that can help you research integrity errors.

Types of Payroll History

Each time that you run the final update for a payroll cycle, the system creates payroll history records and stores them in history tables. The two types of history records include:

History Records


Detail records

Detail history records contain each tax type, pay type, deduction, benefit, and accrual that the system calculated for each payment. The system stores these records in detail history tables.

Summary records

After the system stores records in the detail history tables, it totals and summarizes the information in these tables, and creates summary history records. The system then saves the summary history records in the corresponding summary history tables. The system uses the summary history tables to retrieve tax and earnings information for government reports and year-end forms. The use of summary history tables to report tax and earnings information reduces processing time.


In rare instances, you might encounter a history integrity problem that you cannot correct by running an integrity report in update mode or by entering a correction on an online review screen. In these instances, you can usually correct such a problem by running a repost. A repost is a DREAM Writer program that uses the information in a detail history table to recalculate the totals in the corresponding summary history table. The repost program overwrites existing information in the summary table.

Caution: If you need to run a repost, back up both your summary and detail history files, and contact technical support.

Payroll History Tables

The following includes the detail history tables and their corresponding summary tables.

Detail History Table

Summary Tables

Tax Ledger (F06166)

Taxation Summary History (F06136)

DBA Detail History (F0619)

Calendar Month DBA Summary History (F06145)

Payroll Month PDBA Summary History (F06146)

Tax Area Transaction Summary History (F06148)

Fiscal/Anniversary Year History (F06147)

Payroll Transaction History (F0618)

Payroll Month PDBA Summary History (F06146)

Workers Compensation Summary History (F0627)

Working with payroll history integrity includes the following tasks:

  • Working with Tax History Integrity

  • Working with PDBA History Integrity