G.3.1.1 Partitioning for Oracle Linux 6

To partition a logical drive for Oracle Linux 6:

  1. Complete the steps in "Replacing a Disk Drive".
  2. Confirm that the new disk does not have a partition table:
    # parted /dev/disk/by-hba-slot/sn -s print

    You should see a message about a missing partition table.

  3. If the parted command displays a partition table, then clear it:
    # dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/disk/by-hba-slot/sn bs=1M count=100


    You can use this command to restart an operating system disk configuration, if you make a mistake.

  4. Create the partition table:
    # parted /dev/disk/by-hba-slot/sn -s mklabel gpt print
  5. List the Cylinder, Head, Sector (CHS) partition information of the surviving disk. Thus, if you are partitioning /dev/disk/by-hba-slot/s0, then enter /dev/disk/by-hba-slot/s1 for /dev/disk/by-hba-slot/sm in the following command:
    # parted /dev/disk/by-hba-slot/sm -s unit chs print
    Model: LSI MR9261-8i (scsi)
    Disk /dev/sda: 243031,30,6
    Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
    BIOS cylinder,head,sector geometry: 243031,255,63.  Each cylinder is 8225kB.
    Partition Table: gpt
    Number  Start        End          File system    Name    Flags
     1      0,0,34       25,127,7     ext4           primary boot
     2      25,127,8     21697,116,20                primary raid
     3      21697,116,21 23227,61,35  linux-swap(v1) primary
     4      23227,61,36  243031,29,36 ext4           primary
  6. Create partitions 1 to 3 on the new drive by duplicating the partitions of the surviving disk. Issue three commands in this format:
    # parted /dev/disk/by-hba-slot/sn -s mkpart primary file_system start end

    Use the start and end addresses that you obtained in Step 5 instead of the addresses shown in the following example:

    # parted /dev/disk/by-hba-slot/sn -s mkpart primary ext4 0,0,34 25,127,7
    # parted /dev/disk/by-hba-slot/sn -s mkpart primary ext4 25,127,8 21697,116,20
    # parted /dev/disk/by-hba-slot/sn -s mkpart primary linux-swap 21697,116,21 23227,61,35
  7. Create primary partition 4 using the start address obtained in Step 5 and an end address of 100%:
    # parted /dev/disk/by-hba-slot/sn -s mkpart primary ext4 23227,61,36 100%

    Partition 4 stores HDFS data, and this syntax makes the partition as large as possible.

  8. Set the RAID flags:
    # parted -s /dev/disk/by-hba-slot/sn set 1 raid
    # parted -s /dev/disk/by-hba-slot/sn set 2 raid
  9. Set the boot flag:
    # parted -s /dev/disk/by-hba-slot/sn set 1 boot
  10. Verify that the boot flag is set:
    # parted /dev/disk/by-hba-slot/sn -s unit chs print
    An example of the output is as follows:
    Model: LSI MR9261-8i (scsi)
    Disk /dev/sda: 243031,30,6
    Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
    BIOS cylinder,head,sector geometry: 243031,255,63. Each cylinder is 8225kB.
    Partition Table: gpt
    Number Start         End           File system    Name    Flags 
    1      0,32,32       24,89,0       ext4           primary boot 
    2      24,89,1       60812,135,58                 primary raid 
    3      60812,135,59  65618,90,7    linux-swap(v1) primary 
    4      65618,90,8    243030,252,37 ext4           primary
  11. Complete the steps in "Repairing the RAID Arrays".