Changes in This Release for Oracle Big Data Spatial and Graph


Oracle Big Data Spatial and Graph is deprecated and is planned to be desupported in the future.

Big Data Spatial and Graph includes the following changes to the product:

Changes for Release 3.0

The following changes apply to Release 3.0 of Big Data Spatial and Graph.

New Features for Release 3.0

Significant new features for this release:

  • GraphVisualization: Lightweight, single-page web application to visualize graphs.
  • In-memory graph representation optimization for reduced memory usage and faster performance.
  • Create custom graph algorithms and extend product graph algorithms with Java syntax.

Desupported for Release 3.0

  • Apache Groovy-based shell is desupported.
  • Property Graph support for data stored in Oracle NoSQL database is desupported.
  • Deploying the single-machine, scale-up implementation of the in-memory analyst (PGX) via Hadoop Yarn is desupported in this release. (It was deprecated in Release 2.5.3.)