2 Using Oracle Big Data SQL for Data Access

This chapter describes how to use Oracle Big Data SQL to create external tables and access data from Hadoop data sources as well as Oracle NoSQL Database.

It also describes some of the changes that Oracle Big Data SQL makes on the Oracle Database server.

2.1 Creating an Oracle External Table for Hive Data

Oracle Big Data SQL enables you to query Hive tables from the Oracle Database using the full power of Oracle SQL SELECT statements. It also enables you to write queries that join Oracle tables and Hive data, leverage robust Oracle Database security features, and take advantage of advanced SQL capabilities like analytic functions, JSON handling, and others.

To enable Oracle Big Data SQL to query Hive data, you must first define an Oracle external table for your Hive data. There are a number of tools available to help you create the Oracle external table definition.


    DBMS_HADOOP is a PL/SQL package that contains the CREATE_EXTDDL_FOR_HIVE procedure. This procedure generates the DDL to create an Oracle external table for a given Hive table. You can optionally edit the text of the generated DDL before execution in order to customize the external table properties.

  • The Big Data SQL wizard in Oracle SQL Developer

    The most recent versions of the free Oracle SQL Developer tool include a Big Data SQL wizard that guides you easily through the process of creating Oracle external table definitions.

    If you have a configured Hive connection in Oracle SQL Developer, then in the Connections navigator, drill down from the connection entry point to a Hive table and do the following:

    1. Right-click on the table icon and select Use in Oracle Big Data SQL...

    2. When prompted, select an Oracle Database connection for the import of the Hive table.

    3. Select an Oracle Big Data SQL-enabled target database.

    4. In the Create Table dialog, check over the current configuration for columns, external table properties, and storage. Modify as needed. You can also preview the text of the DDL that will be generated.

    5. Click OK when you are satisfied with the table definition. The wizard will create the external table at the designated location.

  • The Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeler

    This is free graphical design tool that you can use to connect to a Hive metastore and generate an external table. You can select and import one or multiple Hive tables, modify table properties as needed, and then generate the DDL that you can copy into an SQL Worksheet and then run in order to create an Oracle external table. Although the Data Modeler is a more complex tool to use than the other options, its advantage is that you can use it to work on multiple Hive tables

    See Oracle SQL Developer & Data Modeler Support for Oracle Big Data SQL in the Oracle Blog space for a demonstration of how to use the Data Modeler.

See Also:

For instructions on how to install Oracle SQL Developer and connect to Hive in order to create external tables, see Using Oracle SQL Developer to Connect to Hive

2.1.1 Obtaining Information About a Hive Table

The DBMS_HADOOP PL/SQL package contains a function named CREATE_EXTDDL_FOR_HIVE. It returns the data dictionary language (DDL) to create an external table for accessing a Hive table. This function requires you to provide basic information about the Hive table:

  • Name of the Hadoop cluster

  • Name of the Hive database

  • Name of the Hive table

  • Whether the Hive table is partitioned

You can obtain this information by querying the ALL_HIVE_TABLES data dictionary view. It displays information about all Hive tables that you can access from Oracle Database.

This example shows that the current user has access to an unpartitioned Hive table named RATINGS_HIVE_TABLE in the default database. A user named JDOE is the owner.

SQL> SELECT cluster_id, database_name, owner, table_name, partitioned FROM all_hive_tables;
------------ -------------- -------- ------------------ --------------
hadoop1      default        jdoe     ratings_hive_table  UN-PARTITIONED

2.1.2 Using the CREATE_EXTDDL_FOR_HIVE Function

With the information from the data dictionary, you can use the CREATE_EXTDDL_FOR_HIVE function of DBMS_HADOOP. This example specifies a database table name of RATINGS_DB_TABLE in the current schema. The function returns the text of the CREATE TABLE command in a local variable named DDLout, but does not execute it.

   DDLout VARCHAR2(4000);

When this procedure runs, the PUT_LINE function displays the CREATE TABLE command:

CREATE TABLE ratings_db_table (   
   c0 VARCHAR2(4000),
   c1 VARCHAR2(4000),
   c2 VARCHAR2(4000),
   c3 VARCHAR2(4000),
   c4 VARCHAR2(4000),
   c5 VARCHAR2(4000),
   c6 VARCHAR2(4000),
   c7 VARCHAR2(4000))

You can capture this information in a SQL script, and use the access parameters to change the Oracle table name, the column names, and the data types as desired before executing it. You might also use access parameters to specify a date format mask.

The ALL_HIVE_COLUMNS view shows how the default column names and data types are derived. This example shows that the Hive column names are C0 to C7, and that the Hive STRING data type maps to VARCHAR2(4000):

SQL> SELECT table_name, column_name, hive_column_type, oracle_column_type FROM all_hive_columns;
--------------------- ------------ ---------------- ------------------
ratings_hive_table    c0           string           VARCHAR2(4000)
ratings_hive_table    c1           string           VARCHAR2(4000)
ratings_hive_table    c2           string           VARCHAR2(4000)
ratings_hive_table    c3           string           VARCHAR2(4000)
ratings_hive_table    c4           string           VARCHAR2(4000)
ratings_hive_table    c5           string           VARCHAR2(4000)
ratings_hive_table    c6           string           VARCHAR2(4000)
ratings_hive_table    c7           string           VARCHAR2(4000)
8 rows selected.

2.1.3 Using Oracle SQL Developer to Connect to Hive

Oracle SQL Developer provides methods to connect to a Hive metastore and create Oracle external tables over Hive.

Follow these steps to set up Oracle SQL Developer to work with Oracle Big Data SQL.

  1. Install Oracle SQL Developer

  2. Download the Hive JDBC Drivers

  3. Add the new Hive JDBC Drivers to Oracle SQL Developer

  4. Create a database connection to Hive.

Installing Oracle SQL Developer

Install Oracle SQL Developer 4.2 or greater. Starting with this version, support is included for Copy To Hadoop, a useful Oracle Big Data SQL tool for off-loading Oracle Database tables to HDFS.

The installation is simple. Just download the package and extract it.

  1. Go to the Oracle SQL Developer download site on the Oracle Technology Network (OTN).

  2. Accept the license agreement and download the version that is appropriate for your platform.

    For most users, Windows 64–bit with JDK 8 included is the correct choice.

  3. Extract the downloaded ZIP file to your local drive.

    You can extract to any folder name.

See Installing and Getting Started with SQL Developer in the Oracle SQL Developer User’s Guide for further installation and configuration details.

Downloading and Installing the Hive JDBC Drivers for Cloudera Enterprise

To connect Oracle SQL Developer to Hive in the Hadoop environment, you need to download and install the Hive JDBC drivers for Cloudera Enterprise. These drivers are not included in the Oracle SQL Developer download package.

Note for HDP Users:

At this time, SQL Developer 4.2 requires the Cloudera JDBC drivers for Hive. However, these drivers appear to work against Hortonworks clusters as well. HDP users should test to determine if these drivers meet their needs.
  1. Download the latest Cloudera JDBC drivers for Hive from the Cloudera website to any local directory.

    You can search for “cloudera hive jdbc drivers download” on the Cloudera website to locate the available driver packages.

    You are prompted to select the driver version, OS, and OS version (32/64 bit). At this time, the latest drive version is 2.5.18. You can choose the newest version available.

  2. Unzip the archive:

    unzip hive_jdbc_<version>.zip
  3. View the extracted content. Notice that under the top-level folder there are multiple ZIP files. Each is for a different JDBC version. For this setup, only JBDC 4.0 is usable. Select the JDBC4_ ZIP file (JDBC4_<version>.zip).


    Choose only the JDBC4_ ZIP file, which contains the drivers for JDBC 4.0. This is the only compatible version. The drivers in other packages, such as JDBC41_*, are not compatible with SQL Developer 4.2 and will return errors upon connection attempts.
  4. Unzip the JDBC4 archive to a target directory that is accessible to Oracle SQL Developer, for example, ./home/oracle/jdbc :

    # unzip Cloudera_HiveJDBC4_<version>.zip -d /home/oracle/jdbc/

    The extracted content should be similar to this:


Add the new Hive JDBC Drivers to Oracle SQL Developer

Next, start up SQL Developer and copy all of the extracted driver files into “Third Party JDBC Drivers” in the Preferences window.

  1. Start SQL Developer.
  2. In the SQL Developer menu bar, select Tools>Preferences.

  3. In the file explorer of the Preferences window, expand Database and then click Third Party JDBC Drivers.

  4. Click Add Entry.

  5. Navigate to the folder where you sent the files extracted from Cloudera_HiveJDBC4_<version>.zip. Copy all of the JAR files from the ZIP extraction into this window and then click OK.

  6. Restart Oracle SQL Developer.

Create a Database Connection to Hive

After the drivers are installed, you can create a connection to Hiveserver2.

If you are creating a Kerberos-secured connection, you will need a user ID, the Kerberos connection parameters, and the number of the port where Hiveserver2 is running on the Hadoop system (typically, port 10000). A keytab must exist for the user.

If you not using Kerberos, you will need a user ID (the oracle user or a user with equivalent privileges), the account password, and the Hiveserver2 port number.

See Create/Edit/Select Database Connection in the Oracle SQL Developer User’s Guide for a explanation of the fields in the Oracle and Hive tabs in the New/Select Database Connection dialog.

2.1.4 Developing a CREATE TABLE Statement for ORACLE_HIVE

Whichever method you use to create an Oracle external table over Hive (DBMS_HADOOP, Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeler, Oracle Big Data Wizard in Oracle SQL Developer, or manual coding), you may need to set some access parameters to modify the default behavior of ORACLE_HIVE. Using the Default ORACLE_HIVE Settings

The following statement creates an external table named ORDER to access Hive data:

CREATE TABLE order (cust_num    VARCHAR2(10), 
                    order_num   VARCHAR2(20), 
                    description VARCHAR2(100),
                    order_total NUMBER (8,2)) 

Because no access parameters are set in the statement, the ORACLE_HIVE access driver uses the default settings to do the following:

  • Connects to the default Hadoop cluster.

  • Uses a Hive table named order. An error results if the Hive table does not have fields named CUST_NUM, ORDER_NUM, DESCRIPTION, and ORDER_TOTAL.

  • Sets the value of a field to NULL if there is a conversion error, such as a CUST_NUM value longer than 10 bytes. Overriding the Default ORACLE_HIVE Settings

You can set properties in the ACCESS PARAMETERS clause of the external table clause, which override the default behavior of the access driver. The following clause includes the com.oracle.bigdata.overflow access parameter. When this clause is used in the previous example, it truncates the data for the DESCRIPTION column that is longer than 100 characters, instead of throwing an error:

(TYPE oracle_hive
    com.oracle.bigdata.overflow={"action:"truncate", "col":"DESCRIPTION""} ))

The next example sets most of the available parameters for ORACLE_HIVE:

CREATE TABLE order (cust_num VARCHAR2(10), 
                    order_num VARCHAR2(20), 
                    order_date DATE,
                    item_cnt NUMBER,
                    description VARCHAR2(100),
                    order_total (NUMBER(8,2)) ORGANIZATION EXTERNAL 
  (TYPE oracle_hive
        com.oracle.bigdata.tablename:  order_db.order_summary
        com.oracle.bigdata.colmap:     {"col":"ITEM_CNT", \
        com.oracle.bigdata.overflow:   {"action":"TRUNCATE", \
        com.oracle.bigdata.erroropt:   [{"action":"replace", \
                                         "value":"INVALID_NUM" , \
                                         "col":["CUST_NUM","ORDER_NUM"]} ,\
                                        {"action":"reject", \

The parameters make the following changes in the way that the ORACLE_HIVE access driver locates the data and handles error conditions:

  • com.oracle.bigdata.tablename: Handles differences in table names. ORACLE_HIVE looks for a Hive table named ORDER_SUMMARY in the ORDER.DB database.

  • com.oracle.bigdata.colmap: Handles differences in column names. The Hive ORDER_LINE_ITEM_COUNT field maps to the Oracle ITEM_CNT column.

  • com.oracle.bigdata.overflow: Truncates string data. Values longer than 100 characters for the DESCRIPTION column are truncated.

  • com.oracle.bigdata.erroropt: Replaces bad data. Errors in the data for CUST_NUM or ORDER_NUM set the value to INVALID_NUM.

See Also:

The section CREATE TABLE ACCESS PARAMETERS Clause provides the complete list of access parameters for ORACLE_HIVE, ORACLE_HDFS, and ORACLE_BIGDATA.

2.2 Creating an Oracle External Table for Oracle NoSQL Database

You can use the ORACLE_HIVE access driver to access data stored in Oracle NoSQL Database. However, you must first create a Hive external table that accesses the KVStore. Then you can create an external table in Oracle Database over it, similar to the process described in "Creating an Oracle External Table for Hive Data".

This section contains the following topics:

2.2.1 Creating a Hive External Table for Oracle NoSQL Database

To provide access to the data in Oracle NoSQL Database, you create a Hive external table over the Oracle NoSQL table. Oracle Big Data SQL provides a StorageHandler named oracle.kv.hadoop.hive.table.TableStorageHandler that enables Hive to read the Oracle NoSQL Database table format.

The following is the basic syntax of a Hive CREATE TABLE statement for a Hive external table over an Oracle NoSQL table:

CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE tablename colname coltype[, colname coltype,...] 
STORED BY 'oracle.kv.hadoop.hive.table.TableStorageHandler' 
	   "oracle.kv.kvstore" = "database", 
   "oracle.kv.hosts" = "nosql_node1:port[, nosql_node2:port...]", 
   "oracle.kv.hadoop.hosts" = "hadoop_node1[,hadoop_node2...]", 
   "oracle.kv.tableName" = "table_name");

Hive CREATE TABLE Parameters


The name of the Hive external table being created.

This table name will be used in SQL queries issued in Oracle Database, so choose a name that is appropriate for users. The name of the external table that you create in Oracle Database must be identical to the name of this Hive table.

Table, column, and field names are case insensitive in Oracle NoSQL Database, Apache Hive, and Oracle Database.

colname coltype

The names and data types of the columns in the Hive external table. See Table 2-1 for the data type mappings between Oracle NoSQL Database and Hive.



The name of the KVStore. Only upper- and lowercase letters and digits are valid in the name.


A comma-delimited list of host names and port numbers in the Oracle NoSQL Database cluster. Each string has the format hostname:port. Enter multiple names to provide redundancy in the event that a host fails.


A comma-delimited list of all host names in the Hadoop cluster with Oracle Big Data SQL enabled.


The name of the table in Oracle NoSQL Database that stores the data for this Hive external table.

2.2.2 Creating the Oracle Database Table for Oracle NoSQL Data

Use the following syntax to create an external table in Oracle Database that can access the Oracle NoSQL data through a Hive external table:

CREATE TABLE tablename(colname colType[, colname colType...]) 
         (access parameters)

In this syntax, you identify the column names and data types. For more about this syntax, see "About the SQL CREATE TABLE Statement".

2.2.3 About Column Data Type Mappings

When Oracle Big Data SQL retrieves data from Oracle NoSQL Database, the data is converted twice to another data type:

  • To a Hive data type when the data is read into the columns of the Hive external table.

  • To an Oracle data type when the data is read into the columns of an Oracle Database external table.

. In order to execute a Big Data SQL query against data stored in an Oracle NoSQL Database table, a Hive external table must first be created with a schema mapped from the schema of the desired Oracle NoSQL Database table.Table 2-1 identifies the supported data types Oracle NoSQL Database table API and their mappings to Hive.

Table 2-1 Mapping Hive Data Types to the NoSQL Database Table API Data Model

Oracle NoSQL Database Table API Hive






















MAP<STRING, data_type>


STRUCT<col_name : data_type, ...>


To complete this mapping a corresponding Oracle Database external table must be created with a schema mapped from the schema of the Hive table.

Also note that the following Hive data types are not applicable to the mapping of Oracle NoSQL data types to Oracle Database data types: VARCHAR, CHAR, TINYINT, SMALLINT, DECIMAL, TIMESTAMP, DATE, UNION TYPE.

See Also:

About Data Type Conversions provides details on Hive to Oracle Database data type mappings.

Predicate Pushdown in Oracle Big Data SQL requires that certain mappings between Hive Datatypes and Oracle Datatypes be present. See About Predicate Push Down.

2.2.4 Example of Accessing Data in Oracle NoSQL Database

This example uses the sample data provided with the Oracle NoSQL Database software: Creating the Oracle NoSQL Database Example Table

Verify that the following files reside in the examples/hadoop/table directory:


This example runs on a Hadoop cluster node named some1node07 and uses a KVStore named SOME1KV.

To create and populate the sample table in Oracle NoSQL Database:

  1. Open a connection to an Oracle NoSQL Database node on your Hadoop cluster.

  2. Create a table named vehicleTable. The following example uses the load command to run the commands in create_vehicle_table.kvs:

    $ cd NOSQL_HOME
    $ java -jar lib/kvcli.jar -host some1node07 -port 5000 \
      load -file examples/hadoop/table/create_vehicle_table.kvs
  3. Compile LoadVehicleTable.java:

    $ javac -cp examples:lib/kvclient.jar examples/hadoop/table/LoadVehicleTable.java
  4. Execute the LoadVehicleTable class to populate the table:

    $ java -cp examples:lib/kvclient.jar hadoop.table.LoadVehicleTable -host some1node07 -port 5000 -store SOME1KV
    10 new records added

The vehicleTable table contains the following fields:

Table 2-2 Fields in the vehicleTable Example

Field Name Data Type














INTEGER Creating the Example Hive Table for vehicleTable

The following example creates a Hive table named VEHICLES that accesses vehicleTable in the SOME1KV KVStore. In this example, the system is configured with a Hadoop cluster in the first six servers (some1node01 to some1node06) and an Oracle NoSQL Database cluster in the next three servers (some1node07 to some1node09).

   (type STRING, 
    make STRING, 
    model STRING, 
    class STRING, 
    color STRING, 
    price DOUBLE, 
    count INT) 
COMMENT 'Accesses data in vehicleTable in the SOME1KV KVStore' 
STORED BY 'oracle.kv.hadoop.hive.table.TableStorageHandler' 
  ("oracle.kv.kvstore" = "SOME1KV", 
   "oracle.kv.hosts" = "some1node07.example.com:5000,some1node08.example.com:5000",
   "oracle.kv.hadoop.hosts" = "some1node01.example.com,some1node02.example.com,some1node03.example.com,some1node04.example.com,some1node05.example.com,some1node06.example.com", 
   "oracle.kv.tableName" = "vehicleTable");

The DESCRIBE command lists the columns in the VEHICLES table:

hive> DESCRIBE vehicles;
type                    string                  from deserializer
make                    string                  from deserializer
model                   string                  from deserializer
class                   string                  from deserializer
color                   string                  from deserializer
price                   double                  from deserializer
count                   int                     from deserializer

A query against the Hive VEHICLES table returns data from the Oracle NoSQL vehicleTable table:

hive> SELECT make, model, class
      FROM vehicletable
      WHERE type='truck' AND color='red'
      ORDER BY make, model;
Total MapReduce jobs = 1
Launching Job 1 out of 1
Number of reduce tasks determined at compile time: 1
Chrysler       Ram1500         RearWheelDrive
Chrysler       Ram2500         FrontWheelDrive
Ford           F150            FrontWheelDrive
Ford           F250            RearWheelDrive
Ford           F250            AllWheelDrive
Ford           F350            RearWheelDrive
GM             Sierra          AllWheelDrive
GM             Silverado1500   RearWheelDrive
GM             Silverado1500   AllWheelDrive Creating the Oracle Table for VEHICLES

After you create the Hive table, the metadata is available in the Oracle Database static data dictionary views. The following SQL SELECT statement returns information about the Hive table created in the previous topic:

SQL> SELECT table_name, column_name, hive_column_type 
     FROM all_hive_columns 
     WHERE table_name='vehicles';
--------------- ------------ ----------------
vehicles        type         string
vehicles        make         string
vehicles        model        string
vehicles        class        string
vehicles        color        string
vehicles        price        double
vehicles        count        int

The next SQL CREATE TABLE statement generates an external table named VEHICLES over the Hive VEHICLES table, using the ORACLE_HIVE access driver. The name of the table in Oracle Database must be identical to the name of the table in Hive. However, both Oracle NoSQL Database and Oracle Database are case insensitive.

  (type  VARCHAR2(10), make  VARCHAR2(12), model VARCHAR2(20), 
   class VARCHAR2(40), color VARCHAR2(20), price NUMBER(8,2), 
   count NUMBER) 
         (com.oracle.bigdata.debug=true com.oracle.bigdata.log.opt=normal)) 

This SQL SELECT statement retrieves all rows for red trucks from vehicleTable in Oracle NoSQL Database:

SQL> SELECT make, model, class 
     FROM vehicles
     WHERE type='truck' AND color='red'
     ORDER BY make, model;
MAKE         MODEL                CLASS
------------ -------------------- ---------------------
Chrysler     Ram1500              RearWheelDrive
Chrysler     Ram2500              FrontWheelDrive
Ford         F150                 FrontWheelDrive
Ford         F250                 AllWheelDrive
Ford         F250                 RearWheelDrive
Ford         F350                 RearWheelDrive
GM           Sierra               AllWheelDrive
GM           Silverado1500        RearWheelDrive
GM           Silverado1500        4WheelDrive
GM           Silverado1500        AllWheelDrive

2.3 Creating an Oracle External Table for Apache HBase

You can also use the ORACLE_HIVE access driver to access data stored in Apache HBase. However, you must first create a Hive external table that accesses the HBase table. Then you can create an external table in Oracle Database over it. The basic steps are the same as those described in "Creating an Oracle External Table for Oracle NoSQL Database".

2.3.1 Creating a Hive External Table for HBase

To provide access to the data in an HBase table, you create a Hive external table over it. Apache provides a storage handler and a SerDe that enable Hive to read the HBase table format.

The following is the basic syntax of a Hive CREATE TABLE statement for an external table over an HBase table:

CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE tablename colname coltype[, colname coltype,...] 
   SERDE 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.hbase.HBaseSerDe'
STORED BY 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.hbase.HBaseStorageHandler' 

2.3.2 Creating the Oracle Database Table for HBase

Use the following syntax to create an external table in Oracle Database that can access the HBase data through a Hive external table:

CREATE TABLE tablename(colname colType[, colname colType...]) 
         (access parameters)

In this syntax, you identify the column names and data types. To specify the access parameters, see "About the SQL CREATE TABLE Statement".

2.4 Creating an Oracle External Table for HDFS Files

The ORACLE_HDFS access driver enables you to access many types of data that are stored in HDFS, but which do not have Hive metadata. You can define the record format of text data, or you can specify a SerDe for a particular data format.

You must create the external table for HDFS files manually, and provide all the information the access driver needs to locate the data, and parse the records and fields. The following are some examples of CREATE TABLE ORGANIZATION EXTERNAL statements.

2.4.1 Using the Default Access Parameters with ORACLE_HDFS

The following statement creates a table named ORDER to access the data in all files stored in the /usr/cust/summary directory in HDFS:

                    order_num VARCHAR2(20), 
                    order_total NUMBER (8,2))
  ( TYPE oracle_hdfs
  LOCATION ('hdfs:/usr/cust/summary/*');

Because no access parameters are set in the statement, the ORACLE_HDFS access driver uses the default settings to do the following:

  • Connects to the default Hadoop cluster.

  • Reads the files as delimited text, and the fields as type STRING.

  • Assumes that the number of fields in the HDFS files match the number of columns (three in this example).

  • Assumes the fields are in the same order as the columns, so that CUST_NUM data is in the first field, ORDER_NUM data is in the second field, and ORDER_TOTAL data is in the third field.

  • Rejects any records in which the value causes a data conversion error: If the value for CUST_NUM exceeds 10 characters, the value for ORDER_NUM exceeds 20 characters, or the value of ORDER_TOTAL cannot be converted to NUMBER.

2.4.2 Overriding the Default ORACLE_HDFS Settings

You can use many of the same access parameters with ORACLE_HDFS as ORACLE_HIVE. Accessing a Delimited Text File

The following example is equivalent to the one shown in "Overriding the Default ORACLE_HIVE Settings". The external table access a delimited text file stored in HDFS.

CREATE TABLE order (cust_num VARCHAR2(10), 
                    order_num VARCHAR2(20), 
                    order_date DATE,
                    item_cnt NUMBER,
                    description VARCHAR2(100),
                    order_total NUMBER(8,2)) 
     TYPE oracle_hdfs
        com.oracle.bigdata.colmap: {"col":"item_cnt", "field":"order_line_item_count"}
        com.oracle.bigdata.overflow: {"action":"TRUNCATE", "col":"DESCRIPTION"}
        com.oracle.bigdata.erroropt: [{"action":"replace", \
                                         "value":"INVALID NUM", \
                                         "col":["CUST_NUM","ORDER_NUM"]} , \
                                         {"action":"reject", "col":"ORDER_TOTAL}]
 LOCATION ('hdfs:/usr/cust/summary/*'));

The parameters make the following changes in the way that the ORACLE_HDFS access driver locates the data and handles error conditions:

  • com.oracle.bigdata.colmap: Handles differences in column names. ORDER_LINE_ITEM_COUNT in the HDFS files matches the ITEM_CNT column in the external table.

  • com.oracle.bigdata.overflow: Truncates string data. Values longer than 100 characters for the DESCRIPTION column are truncated.

  • com.oracle.bigdata.erroropt: Replaces bad data. Errors in the data for CUST_NUM or ORDER_NUM set the value to INVALID_NUM. Accessing Avro Container Files

The next example uses a SerDe to access Avro container files.

CREATE TABLE order (cust_num VARCHAR2(10), 
                    order_num VARCHAR2(20), 
                    order_date DATE,
                    item_cnt NUMBER,
                    description VARCHAR2(100),
                    order_total NUMBER(8,2)) 
      TYPE oracle_hdfs              
         com.oracle.bigdata.rowformat: \
         SERDE 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.avro.AvroSerDe'
         com.oracle.bigdata.fileformat: \
         INPUTFORMAT 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.avro.AvroContainerInputFormat'\ 
         OUTPUTFORMAT 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.avro.AvroContainerOutputFormat'
         com.oracle.bigdata.colmap: {  "col":"item_cnt", \
         com.oracle.bigdata.overflow: {"action":"TRUNCATE", \
      LOCATION ('hdfs:/usr/cust/summary/*'));

The access parameters provide the following information to the ORACLE_HDFS access driver:

  • com.oracle.bigdata.rowformat: Identifies the SerDe that the access driver needs to use to parse the records and fields. The files are not in delimited text format.

  • com.oracle.bigdata.fileformat: Identifies the Java classes that can extract records and output them in the desired format.

  • com.oracle.bigdata.colmap: Handles differences in column names. ORACLE_HDFS matches ORDER_LINE_ITEM_COUNT in the HDFS files with the ITEM_CNT column in the external table.

  • com.oracle.bigdata.overflow: Truncates string data. Values longer than 100 characters for the DESCRIPTION column are truncated.

2.5 Creating an Oracle External Table for Kafka Topics

The Hive storage handler for Kafka enables Hive and Oracle Big Data SQL and Hive to query Kafka topics. 

The ORACLE_HIVE access driver can access Kafka data topics. You first create a Hive external table that accesses the Kafka topics and then create an Oracle Big Data SQL table over it.

2.5.1 Using Oracle's Hive Storage Handler for Kafka to Create a Hive External Table for Kafka Topics

The Hive storage handler for Kafka enables Hive and Oracle Big Data SQL to query Kafka topics.

To provide access to Kafka data, you create a Hive external table over the Kafka topics. The Oracle Big Data SQL storage handler that enables Hive to read the Kafka data format is oracle.hadoop.kafka.hive.KafkaStorageHandler .

You can use this storage handler to create external Hive tables backed by data residing in Kafka. Big Data SQL can then query the Kafka data through the external Hive tables.  

The Hive DDL is demonstrated by the following example, where topic1 and topic2 are two topics in Kafka broker whose keys are serialized by Kafka's String serializer and whose values are serialized by Kafka's Long serializer.

row format serde ‘oracle.hadoop.kafka.hive.KafkaSerDe’
stored by 'oracle.hadoop.kafka.hive.KafkaStorageHandler'

The example below shows the resulting Hive table. The Kafka key, value, offset, topic name, and partitionid are mapped to Hive columns.  You can explicitly designate the offset for each topic/partition pair through a WHERE clause in you Hive query.  

hive> describe test_table;
topic            string              	from deserializer   
partitionid      int                 	from deserializer   
key              string              	from deserializer   
value            bigInt              	from deserializer   
offset           bigint              	from deserializer
timestamptype    smallInt            from deserializer
timestamp        timestamp           from deserializer
Time taken: 0.084 seconds, Fetched: 7 row(s) 
The content of the table is a snapshot of the Kafka topics when the Hive query is executed. When new data is inserted into the Kafka topics, you can use the offset column or the timestamp column to track the changes to the topic. The offsets are per topic/partition. For example, the following query will return new messages after the specified offsets in the where clause for each topic/partition:
hive> SELECT * \ 
FROM test_table \
WHERE (topic="topic1" and partitoinid=0 and offset > 199) \ 
OR (topic="topic1" and partitionid=1 and offset > 198)  \
OR (topic="topic2" and partitionid=0 and offset > 177)  \
OR (topic="topic2" and partitionid=1 and offset > 176);
You need to keep track of the offsets for all topics and partitions. For example, you can use an Oracle table to store these offsets. A more convenient way to keep track of new data is using the timestamp column. You can query data after a specific time point using the following query:
hive> SELECT * FROM test_table WHERE timestamp > '2017-07-12 11:30:00'; 

See the Property Reference section below for descriptions of all table properties

Property Reference

Table 2-3 Table Properties of Hive Storage Handler for Kafka

Property Name Requirement Description



A comma-separated list of Kafka topics. Each Kafka topic name must consists of only letters (uppercase and lowercase), numbers, .(dot), _(underscore), and -(minus). The maximum length for each topic name is 249. These topics must have the same serialization mechanisms. The resulting Hive table consists of records from all the topics listed here. A Hive column “topic” will be added and it will be set to the topic name for each record.



This property will be translated to the “bootstrap.servers” property for the underlying Kafka consumer. The consumer makes use of all servers, irrespective of which servers are specified here for bootstrapping. This list only impacts the initial hosts used to discover the full set of servers. This list should be in the form host1:port1,host2:port2,.... Since these servers are just used for the initial connection to discover the full cluster membership (which may change dynamically), this list need not contain the full set of servers. For availability reasons, you may want to list more than one server.



The key type for your record. If unset, then the key part of the Kafka record will be ignored in the Hive row. Only values of “string”, “integer”, “long”, “double”, “avro”, “avro_confluent”are supported. “string”, “integer”, “double” and “long” correspond to the built-in primitive serialization types supported by Kafka. If this property is one of these primitive types, then the Kafka key for each record will be mapped to one single Hive Column. If this property is set to “avro” or “avro_confluent”, then oracle.kafka.table.key.schema is required. The Kafka key for each record will be deserialized into an Avro Object. If the Avro schema is of record type then each first level field of the record will be mapped to a single Hive column. If the Avro schema is not of Record Type, then it will be mapped to a single Hive Column named “key”.

The difference between “avro” and “avro_confluent” is that the wire format for the serialization is slightly different. For “avro”, the entire bytes array of the key consists of the bytes of avro serialization. For “avro_confluent”, the bytes array consists of a magic byte, a version number, then the bytes of avro serialization of the key.



The value type of your record. If unset, then the value part of Kafka record will be ignored in the Hive row. Use of this property is similar to use of oracle.kafka.table.key.type. The difference between them is: when the Avro Schema for Kafka value is not of record type. The whole Avro object will be mapped to a single Hive Column named “value” instead of “key”.



An optional writer schema for the Kafka key’s Avro serialization. It’s required when the reader schema for the key is different from the schema in which the keys are written to Kafka brokers. It must be the exact schema in which Kafka keys are serialized.


Required when “oracle.kafka.table.key.type” is “avro” or “avro_confluent”

The JSON string for the Kafka key's Avro reader schema. It doesn't need to be exactly the same as the Kafka key's writer Avro schema. As long as the reader schema is compatible with the Kafka key or the converted object from the converter, it is valid. This enables you to rename Hive columns and choose what fields to keep from the Kafka key in the Hive row. If the schema in this property is different from the schema in which the Kafka keys are serialized, then oracle.kafka.table.key.writer.schema is required.



An optional writer schema for the Kafka value’s Avro serialization. Its use is similar to oracle.kafka.table.key.writer.schema.


Required when “oracle.kafka.table.value.type” is “avro” or “avro_confluent”

The JSON string for the Kafka value's Avro reader schema. Its use is similar to oracle.kafka.table.key.schema.


Optional, default to “true”

A boolean flag to control whether to include extra Kafka columns: paritionid, offset, timestamptype.


Optional, default to false

A Boolean flag to control whether to chop Kafka partitions into smaller chunks. This is useful when the number of Kafka partitions is small and the size of each Kafka partition is large.



When oracle.kafka.chop.partition is true, this property controls the number of Kafka records in each partition chunk. It should be set a value estimated by (Ideal size of a split)/(Average size of a Kafka record). For example, if the ideal size of a split is 256 MB and the average size of s Kafka record is 256 Bytes, then this property should be set to 1000000.

2.5.2 Creating an Oracle Big Data SQL Table for Kafka Topics

Big Data SQL can use the ORACLE_HIVE access driver to query data stored in Hive Tables.

After you create a Hive table over Kafka data by using the Hive storage handler for Kafka, there are no special procedures for generating a Big Data SQL table from the resulting Hive table. The default ORACLE_HIVE settings can be overridden in the same way as with other Hive tables This is how to query the Hive external table that was created using the Hive storage handler for Kafka in the previous section.

CREATE TABLE test_table(
topic varchar2(50),
partitionid integer,
key varchar2(50),
value integer,
offset integer,
timestamptype integer,
timestamp     timestamp

Some Common Questions

  • Is Oracle Big Data SQL access to Kafka Brokers parallelized? For example, if I have six nodes running Oracle Big Data SQL, will all six nodes participate in a single query to Kafka so that we have to create a consumer group across all nodes to read the Kafka topic? Or, will only one node be used for a single SELECT statement to query from Kafka?

    Like any Big Data SQL query, a query to Kafka will engage all of the nodes where Oracle Big Data SQL is installed.

  • In a Kafka query, how can we accommodate new incoming data? Can I have a query that waits (for a specified timeout) for new data to come into Kafka?

    To pick up new data, you can run the Oracle Big Data SQL query periodically and filter by offset and timestamp to only retrieve the new rows (rows since the last read).

See Also:

The following section of the Big Data SQL Quick Start blog provides more information on accessing Kafka through Oracle Big Data SQL – Big Data SQL Quick Start. Big Data SQL over Kafka – Part 23

2.6 Using the Custom Parquet Reader for Oracle Big Data SQL

For reading parquet files, you have the option of using the custom Parquet reader for Oracle Big Data SQL.

The custom reader includes an optimization that reduces I/O – lazy retrieval and materialization of non-filter predicate columns. When evaluating a filter for a row-group (about 128 MB of data), the custom reader first retrieves only the columns for the filter predicate. The filter is applied and if there is no match then the reader moves to the next row group. If some row matches then the non-filter columns are read. Filter evaluation builds a data structure to efficiently de-serialize (materialize) only the values for the matching column indexes. This differs from the Hive implementation which reads AND de-serializes (materializes) all the columns in the select list, then evaluates the filter for the predicate columns, then finally assembles rows from the matching values. This optimization reduces I/O whenever there are no matching rows for the filter in the row group. In this case, the non-predicate columns are not read at all.

The custom reader also reduces CPU consumption in two ways:

  • Skips decompression of individual Parquet pages (the minimal read unit) when those pages contain no values that satisfy the filter. This applies to primitive column types only, not to nested column types.

  • Skips the de-serialization of individual column values if they do not belong to a matching row index.

Disabling or Re-Enabling the Custom Parquet Reader

The Parquet reader optimization is enabled by default. It can be disabled for an individual table by adding the following access parameter to the external table definition:
You can add this setting to the cluster properties file to disable the optimization for all Parquet-based external tables. Remove the setting to return to the default.

Compatibility with Previously Created Parquet Format Data

Use of the customer reader requires no changes to data format. However, for best performance, the format must provide min and max values for each column for each Parquet block. These values are used by the standard Hadoop Parquet InputFormat, as well as the custom Parquet reader, to optimize the query. The resulting optimization significantly improves query performance with both Hive and Oracle Big Data SQL.

Note that Parquet files created by Impala do not include min and max values for each column for each Parquet block.

To ensure that min and max values are available, it is recommended that you write Parquet files with Hive or other tools that generate output in the standard Hadoop Parquet InputFormat, such as PrestoDB and Spark.

To check if a file includes these values, you can use the parquet tools JAR to dump information about the file:

# hadoop jar parquet-tools-1.5.0-cdh5.12.0.jar meta <filename>.parq

On a CDH Hadoop distro, the parquet-tools command may also be configured in your path.

2.7 About the SQL CREATE TABLE Statement

The SQL CREATE TABLE statement has a clause specifically for creating external tables. The information that you provide in this clause enables the access driver to read data from an external source and prepare the data for the external table.

2.7.1 Basic Syntax

The following is the basic syntax of the CREATE TABLE statement for external tables:

CREATE TABLE table_name (column_name datatype, 
                         column_name datatype[,...]) 
   ORGANIZATION EXTERNAL (external_table_clause);

You specify the column names and data types the same as for any other table. ORGANIZATION EXTERNAL identifies the table as an external table.

The external_table_clause identifies the access driver and provides the information that it needs to load the data. See "About the External Table Clause".

2.7.2 About the External Table Clause

CREATE TABLE ORGANIZATION EXTERNAL takes the external_table_clause as its argument. It has the following subclauses: TYPE Clause

The TYPE clause identifies the access driver. The type of access driver determines how the other parts of the external table definition are interpreted.

Specify one of the following values for Oracle Big Data SQL:

  • ORACLE_HDFS: Accesses files in an HDFS directory.

  • ORACLE_HIVE: Accesses a Hive table.


The ORACLE_DATAPUMP and ORACLE_LOADER access drivers are not associated with Oracle Big Data SQL. DEFAULT DIRECTORY Clause

The DEFAULT DIRECTORY clause identifies an Oracle Database directory object. The directory object identifies an operating system directory with files that the external table reads and writes.

ORACLE_HDFS and ORACLE_HIVE use the default directory solely to write log files on the Oracle Database system. LOCATION Clause

The LOCATION clause identifies the data source. ORACLE_HDFS LOCATION Clause

The LOCATION clause for ORACLE_HDFS contains a comma-separated list of file locations. The files must reside in the HDFS file system on the default cluster.

A location can be any of the following:

  • A fully qualified HDFS directory name, such as /user/hive/warehouse/hive_seed/hive_types. ORACLE_HDFS uses all files in the directory.

  • A fully qualified HDFS file name, such as /user/hive/warehouse/hive_seed/hive_types/hive_types.csv

  • A URL for an HDFS file or a set of files, such as hdfs:/user/hive/warehouse/hive_seed/hive_types/*. It is invalid to use the directory name alone.

The file names can contain any pattern-matching character described in Table 2-4.

Table 2-4 Pattern-Matching Characters

Character Description


Matches any one character


Matches zero or more characters


Matches one character in the set {a, b, c}


Matches one character in the range {a...b}. The character must be less than or equal to b.


Matches one character that is not in the character set or range {a}. The carat (^) must immediately follow the left bracket, with no spaces.


Removes any special meaning of c. The backslash is the escape character.


Matches a string from the set {ab, cd}. The escape character (\) removes the meaning of the comma as a path separator.


Matches a string from the set {ab, cde, cfh}. The escape character (\) removes the meaning of the comma as a path separator. ORACLE_HIVE LOCATION Clause

Do not specify the LOCATION clause for ORACLE_HIVE; it raises an error. The data is stored in Hive, and the access parameters and the metadata store provide the necessary information. REJECT LIMIT Clause

Limits the number of conversion errors permitted during a query of the external table before Oracle Database stops the query and returns an error.

Any processing error that causes a row to be rejected counts against the limit. The reject limit applies individually to each parallel query (PQ) process. It is not the total of all rejected rows for all PQ processes. ACCESS PARAMETERS Clause

The ACCESS PARAMETERS clause provides information that the access driver needs to load the data correctly into the external table. See "CREATE TABLE ACCESS PARAMETERS Clause".

2.8 About Data Type Conversions

When the access driver loads data into an external table, it verifies that the Hive data can be converted to the data type of the target column. If they are incompatible, then the access driver returns an error. Otherwise, it makes the appropriate data conversion.

Hive typically provides a table abstraction layer over data stored elsewhere, such as in HDFS files. Hive uses a serializer/deserializer (SerDe) to convert the data as needed from its stored format into a Hive data type. The access driver then converts the data from its Hive data type to an Oracle data type. For example, if a Hive table over a text file has a BIGINT column, then the SerDe converts the data from text to BIGINT. The access driver then converts the data from BIGINT (a Hive data type) to NUMBER (an Oracle data type).

Performance is better when one data type conversion is performed instead of two. The data types for the fields in the HDFS files should therefore indicate the data that is actually stored on disk. For example, JSON is a clear text format, therefore all data in a JSON file is text. If the Hive type for a field is DATE, then the SerDe converts the data from string (in the data file) to a Hive date. Then the access driver converts the data from a Hive date to an Oracle date. However, if the Hive type for the field is string, then the SerDe does not perform a conversion, and the access driver converts the data from string to an oracle date. Queries against the external table are faster in the second example, because the access driver performs the only data conversion.

The table below identifies the data type conversions that ORACLE_HIVE can make when loading data into an external table.

Table 2-5 Supported Hive to Oracle Data Type Conversions




























yesFoot 1

yesFoot 2

yesFoot 2



































Footnote 1

FALSE maps to the string FALSE, and TRUE maps to the string TRUE.

Footnote 2

FALSE maps to 0, and TRUE maps to 1.

2.9 Querying External Tables

Users can query external tables using the SQL SELECT statement, the same as they query any other table.

2.9.1 Granting User Access

Users who query the data on a Hadoop cluster must have READ access in Oracle Database to the external table and to the database directory object that points to the cluster directory. See "About the Cluster Directory".

2.9.2 About Error Handling

By default, a query returns no data if an error occurs while the value of a column is calculated. Processing continues after most errors, particularly those thrown while the column values are calculated.

Use the com.oracle.bigdata.erroropt and com.oracle.bigdata.overflow parameters to determine how errors are handled.

2.9.3 About the Log Files

You can use these access parameters to customize the log files:

2.10 About Oracle Big Data SQL on the Database Server (Oracle Exadata Machine or Other)

This section explains the changes that the Oracle Big Data SQL installation makes to the Oracle Database system (which may or may not be an Oracle Exadata Machine).

The section contains the following topics:

2.10.1 About the bigdata_config Directory

The directory bigdata_config contains configuration information that is common to all Hadoop clusters. This directory is located on the Oracle Database system under $ORACLE_HOME/bigdatasql. The oracle file system user (or whichever user owns the Oracle Database instance) owns bigdata_config . The Oracle Database directory ORACLE_BIGDATA_CONFIG points to bigdata_config.

2.10.2 Common Configuration Properties

The installation store these files in the bigdata_config directory under $ORACLE_HOME/bigdatasql :

The Oracle DBA can edit these configuration files as necessary. bigdata.properties

The bigdata.properties file in the common directory contains property-value pairs that define the Java class paths and native library paths required for accessing data in HDFS.

These properties must be set:

The following list describes all properties permitted in bigdata.properties.


Property Description


The name of the default Hadoop cluster. The access driver uses this name when the access parameters do not specify a cluster. Required.

Changing the default cluster name might break external tables that were created previously without an explicit cluster name.


A comma-separated list of Hadoop cluster names. Optional.


The Hadoop class path. Required.


The Hive class path. Required.


The path to the Oracle JXAD Java JAR file. Required.


The path to user JAR files. Optional.


The full file path to the JVM shared library (such as libjvm.so). Required.


A comma-separated list of options to pass to the JVM. Optional.

This example sets the maximum heap size to 2 GB, and verbose logging for Java Native Interface (JNI) calls:



A space-delimited list of options to pass to the JVM. Optional. The delimiter must be a space character, not a tab or other whitespace character.

This example sets the maximum heap size to 2 GB, and verbose logging for Java Native Interface (JNI) calls:

Xmx2048m -verbose=jni


Notice that java.options is comma-delimited, while java.options2 is space delimited. These two properties can coexist in the same bigdata.properties file.


A colon separated (:) list of directory paths to search for the Hadoop native libraries. Recommended.

If you set this option, then do not set java.library path in java.options.

Example 2-1 shows a sample bigdata.properties file.

Example 2-1 Sample bigdata.properties File

# bigdata.properties
# Copyright (c) 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
#    NAME
#      bigdata.properties - Big Data Properties File
#      Properties file containing parameters for allowing access to Big Data
#      Fixed value properties can be added here 
bigdata.cluster.default=hadoop_cl_1 bigdata-log4j.properties

The bigdata-log4j.properties file in the common directory defines the logging behavior of queries against external tables in the Java code. Any log4j properties are allowed in this file.

Example 2-2 shows a sample bigdata-log4j.properties file with the relevant log4j properties.

Example 2-2 Sample bigdata-log4j.properties File

# bigdata-log4j.properties
# Copyright (c) 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
#    NAME
#      bigdata-log4j.properties - Big Data Logging Properties File
#      Properties file containing logging parameters for Big Data
#      Fixed value properties can be added here
log4j.rootlogger=DEBUG, file
log4j.appender.console.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{yy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss} %p %c{2}: %m%n
log4j.appender.file.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{yy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss} %p %c{2}: %m%n
log4j.logger.oracle.hadoop.sql=ALL, file

See Also:

Apache Logging Services documentation at


2.10.3 About the Cluster Directory

The cluster directory contains configuration information for a Hadoop cluster. Each cluster that Oracle Database accesses using Oracle Big Data SQL has a cluster directory. This directory is located on the Oracle Database system under $ORACLE_HOME/bigdatasql/clusters/. For example, cluster bda1_cl_1 would have a directory $ORACLE_HOME/bigdatasql/clusters/bda1_c1_1 and under $ORACLE_HOME/bigdatasql/clusters/bda1_c1_1/config would be the following files for client configuration files for accessing the cluster:

  • bigdata.hosts (not editable by customers)

  • core-site.xml

  • hdfs-site.xml

  • hive-site.xml

  • mapred-site.xml (optional)

  • log4j property files (such as hive-log4j.properties)

$ORACLE_HOME/bigdatasql/databases/<database name>/bigdata_config/default_cluster is a soft link to the directory of the default cluster.

A database directory object points to the cluster directory. Users who want to access the data in a cluster must have read access to the directory object.

2.10.4 About Permissions

On the Oracle database server, ensure that the oracle user (or whatever user owns the Oracle Database installation directory) has READ/WRITE access to the database directory that points to the log directory.

On the Hadoop side, when you run Database Acknowledge (# ./jaguar databaseack [config file]) this operation creates an account for the database owner and grants required permissions.