C Using mtactl to Manage the MTA extproc

The multithreaded agent control utility (mtactl) enables Oracle Big Data SQL users to start, stop, and configure the MTA (Multi-Threaded Agent) extproc in both Oracle Clusterware Ready Service (CRS) and non-CRS Oracle Database environments.


In non-CRS environments, customers must run mtactl in order to start the MTA extproc.


In this usage description, mta_sid is the SID that a given multithreaded extproc agent services.

mtactl {start|restart|stop|status|delete|show|bdsql} <mta_sid>
mtactl unset <parameter> <mta_sid>
mtactl set <parameter> <parameter_value> <mta_sid>
mtactl -help
mtactl <command> -help

Multithreaded Agent Control Utility Commands

Table C-1 mtactl Commands

Command Full Syntax Description
start mtactl start <mta_sid> Start an MTA extproc for this SID, with the existing init parameter values stored in the repository. Use the default values if the repository does not exist.


If you used Oracle Big Data SQL 3.1, be aware that the behavior of restart and start are now reversed from what they were in 3.1 – start now uses init values from the repository if available. restart always uses the default values.
restart mtactl start <mta_sid> Clean up the repository and restart the MTA extproc agent for the SID, with the default values.
stop mtactl stop <mta_sid> Stop the MTA extproc agent that services the given SID.
status mtactl status <mta_sid> Display status for the MTA extproc that services the given SID.
delete mtactl delete <mta_sid> Clean up the repository for the given SID.
show mtactl show <mta_sid> Display the init parameters for the MTA extproc that services the given SID.
bdsql mtactl bdsql <mta_sid> Display additional operations. These are for setting up the MTA extproc for use with Oracle Big Data SQL.
set mtactl set <init parameter> <value> <mta_sid> Set the init parameters for the MTA extproc that services the given SID. Supported parameters are:
unset mtactl unset <init parameter> <mta_sid> Unset the init parameters in the repository for the MTA extproc that services the given SID.


$ mtactl start BDSQL_hadoop_cl_1 //note: using existing or default init parameter values

$ mtactl delete BDSQL_hadoop_cl_1
$ mtactl set max_sessions 200 BDSQL_hadoop_cl_1
$ mtactl set max_dispatchers 5 BDSQL_hadoop_cl_1
$ mtactl set max_task_threads 5 BDSQL_hadoop_cl_1
$ mtactl set listener_address "(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=ipc)(KEY=crs))" BDSQL_hadoop_cl_1
$ mtactl start BDSQL_hadoop_cl_1 (note: use customized parameter values)

$ mtactl restart BDSQL_hadoop_cl_1 //note: using default init parameter values