9 Accessibility Features and Tips for Oracle Content Management

These topics describe accessibility features and information for Oracle Content Management.

Global Keyboard Shortcuts for Oracle Content Management

Use these keyboard shortcuts throughout the Oracle Content Management web client.

The desktop app, Android mobile app, and web browser interface support the standard accessibility features and assistive technologies of the operating system that they run on, such as keyboard shortcuts, voice assistance, and so on. Consult your operating system help for details.

When using a Safari browser, you might need to configure tabbing behavior which might not be set by default. Access your Safari preferences and select Press Tab to highlight each item on web page.

When using Firefox with the macOS/OS X operating system, you might need to set tabbing behavior as well. Open your operating system preferences and choose Keyboard Preferences. Select the Shortcuts tab. In the Full Keyboard Access section, set the option to All Controls.


When you play audio or video in accessibility mode, you can’t navigate to the action bar to perform actions such as viewing file properties. You can only access the controls to play or pause the audio or video. To perform other actions on the file, go back to the file listing (using Backspace or Esc), where you can use the keyboard to access file actions.
Task Keyboard Shortcut
Search for content. /
Go to first item in list. Home
Go to last loaded item in list. End
Load more items in list. .
Close active menu or dialog. Esc
Expand/collapse navigation panel. gn
Go to Flags page. gf
Go to Conversations page. gc
Go to People page. gp
Go to Documents page. gd
Go to Sites page. gs
Go to Themes page. gt
Go to Components page. ga
Go back one page. Backspace

Keyboard Shortcuts for Calendars

Use these keyboard shortcuts for calendars in the Oracle Content Management web client.

Task Keyboard Shortcut
Move to previous/next month. Page Up/Page Down
Move to the current month. Ctrl+Command+Home
Close the calendar, and erase selections. Ctrl+Command+End

Keyboard Shortcuts for Asset Type Editors

Use these keyboard shortcuts for asset type editors in the Oracle Content Management web client.

Task Keyboard Shortcut
Move focus to previous/next data field. Up Arrow/Down Arrow
Select a data field to add to content type definition. Enter
When data field is selected, place it as first item/last item in content type definition. Alt+Up Arrow/Down Arrow
When focus is on item in content type definition, move data field up/down in definition list. Alt+Up Arrow/Down Arrow

Keyboard Shortcuts for Conversations

Use these keyboard shortcuts for conversations in the Oracle Content Management web client.


To see all keyboard shortcuts in the web client, press the question mark (?) when viewing the Conversation page. A list of available shortcuts is shown.

There are keyboard shortcuts for various areas:

Conversation List Keyboard Shortcuts

Task Keyboard Shortcut
Open selected conversation. Enter
Move focus into conversation entry. Shift+Enter
Create a new conversation. n
Mark all messages in selected conversation as read. m
Mark or clear selected conversation as favorite. v

Message List Keyboard Shortcuts

Task Keyboard Shortcut
Post a message. t
Reply to selected message. r
Edit selected message. e
Like selected message. l
Clear flag for you on selected message. c
Manage flags for selected message. f
Mark selected message as read. m
Next message. j
Find next item (based on selected find criteria). x
Find previous item (based on selected find criteria). p

Posting or Replying Keyboard Shortcuts

Task Keyboard Shortcut
Applies bold style. Ctrl+b
Applies italic style. Ctrl+i
Applies underline style. Ctrl+u
Remove formatting from selected text. Ctrl+f
Upload document. Ctrl+d
Send post or reply. Ctrl+Enter
Clear your message text. Esc

Keyboard Shortcuts for Content Capture Procedures Page

Use these keyboard shortcuts in the Content Capture Procedures page.

On the Content Capture Procedures page, click the user icon in the procedures pane on the left and specify if you are using a screen reader.

Task Keyboard Shortcut in Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome Keyboard Shortcut in Mozilla Firefox
Move forward to the next train stop. Alt + X Alt + Shift + X
Cancel the current operation. Alt + C Alt + Shift + C
Save changes and exit the window. Alt + S Alt + Shift + S
Return to a previous train stop. Alt + B Alt + Shift + B

Keyboard Shortcuts for Content Capture Client

Use these keyboard shortcuts in the Content Capture Client.

The Content Capture Client has the following accessibility features:

  • Change the client display to high contrast:
    1. Click the drop-down list arrow in the upper right corner of the window and select Preferences.
    2. Select I use Windows accessibility features to change the client display to make use of accessibility settings provided by Windows for high contrast. You must have your Windows environment set to use high contrast for this setting to work.
    3. Click Save.

    Note that after changing this setting, you may need to restart the Content Capture Client to restore the display.

  • Change the font size displayed in the client:
    1. Click the drop-down list arrow in the upper right corner of the window and select Preferences.
    2. Select I use Windows accessibility features to change the client display to make use of accessibility settings provided by Windows for large fonts. You must have your Windows environment set to use large fonts for this setting to work.
    3. In the Font Size for Client field, select a new font size for client buttons, labels, and other client window items. The minimum size is 8 points and the maximum size is 18 points.
    4. In the Font Size for Metadata Fields field, select a new font size for metadata fields and labels. The minimum size is 8 points and the maximum size is 18 points.
    5. Click Save.

      Note that after changing the Windows accessibility features setting, you may need to restart the Content Capture Client to restore the display.

  • Press F1 to access help topics on the Content Capture Client.

Batch Pane Keyboard Shortcuts

Task Keyboard Shortcut
Begin scanning or importing documents. F9
Change Capture settings for the selected scanner or for the import source. Ctrl+S
Change the Capture source to select a scanner or the import source. Ctrl+Alt+S
Depending on which mode is visible: Unlock or Release, this key performs one of the following actions:
  • Unlock one or more selected batches to synchronize their data with Oracle Content Management.
  • Release a batch after choosing a release process.
Select a release process. Ctrl+Alt+R
Specify search criteria for batches and filter the batch list. F7
Reload the list of batches to reflect recent batch changes. F5
Find a document within a batch where a displayed metadata field matches the criteria in the Find field. Ctrl+F
Find the previous document within a batch where a displayed metadata field matches the criteria in the Find field. Shift+F3
Find the next document within a batch where a displayed metadata field matches the criteria in the Find field. F3
Perform asset lookup on a field. Ctrl+L

Document Pane Keyboard Shortcuts

Task Keyboard Shortcut
Split a document using the current page and all pages below it, until the next document. Ctrl+E
Remove or delete the selected document. Ctrl+Alt+D
Split an attachment using the current page and all pages below it. This feature is available when page 2 or greater is selected in a document attachment. Ctrl+E
Delete the selected attachment and its pages from the batch. Ctrl+Alt+D
Duplicate the selected document, page, or pages. Ctrl+U
Go to a specific page in the current document. Ctrl+G
Go to the previous page in the current document. Ctrl+P
Go to the next page in the current document. Ctrl+N
Scan or import pages to add to the batch (append pages). Ctrl+Alt+A
Delete one or more pages. Ctrl+D
Copy metadata values from the selected document. Ctrl+Shift+C
Paste metadata values copied from another document into the current document. Ctrl+Shift+V
Clear the metadata values for the selected document. Ctrl+Shift+D
Increase the magnification level. Ctrl+I
Decrease the magnification level. Ctrl+O
Change the page display so that the entire page fits in the window. Ctrl+W
Rotate the selected page to the right 90 degrees. Ctrl+R

Metadata Pane Keyboard Shortcuts

To move between metadata fields using keyboard shortcuts, press Tab to move to the next metadata field, and Shift-Tab to move to the previous metadata field.