Connecting to a Compute Node Through Secure Shell (SSH)

You use Secure Shell (SSH) client software to establish a secure connection and gain local access the tools, utilities, and other resources on an Oracle Database Exadata Cloud at Customer compute node.

By default, Exadata Cloud at Customer is configured to enable SSH connections using the opc and oracle operating system user accounts. For tasks that use other operating system user accounts, you can start a command shell as the root user by connecting to opc and running sudo -s.

Several SSH clients are freely available. The following sections show how to use SSH clients on UNIX, UNIX-like, and Windows platforms to connect to a compute node associated with Exadata Cloud at Customer.

Connecting to a Compute Node Using the ssh Utility on UNIX and UNIX-Like Platforms

UNIX and UNIX-like platforms (including Solaris and Linux) include the ssh utility, an SSH client.

Before You Begin

Before you use the ssh utility to connect to a compute node, you need the following:

  • The IP address of the compute node

    The IP address of a compute node associated with a database deployment on Oracle Database Exadata Cloud at Customer is listed on the Oracle Database Cloud Service Overview page. See Viewing Detailed Information for a Database Deployment.

  • The SSH private key file that matches the public key associated with the deployment.


To connect to a compute node using the ssh utility on UNIX and UNIX-like platforms:
  1. In a command shell, set the file permissions of the private key file so that only you have access to it:
    $ chmod 600 private-key-file

    private-key-file is the path to the SSH private key file that matches the public key that is associated with the deployment.

  2. Run the ssh utility:
    $ ssh -i private-key-file user-name@node-ip-address


    • private-key-file is the path to the SSH private key file.

    • user-name is the operating system user you want to connect as:

      • Connect as the user oracle to perform most operations; this user does not have root access to the compute node.

      • Connect as the user opc to perform operations that require root access to the compute node, such as backing up or patching; this user can use the sudo command to gain root access to the compute node.

    • node-ip-address is the IP address of the compute node in x.x.x.x format.

  3. If this is the first time you are connecting to the compute node, the ssh utility prompts you to confirm the public key. In response to the prompt, enter yes.

Connecting to a Compute Node Using the PuTTY Program on Windows

PuTTY is a freely available SSH client program for Windows.

Before You Begin

Before you use the PuTTY program to connect to a compute node, you need the following:

  • The IP address of the compute node

    The IP address of a compute node associated with a database deployment on Oracle Database Exadata Cloud at Customer is listed on the Oracle Database Cloud Service Overview page. See Viewing Detailed Information for a Database Deployment.

  • The SSH private key file that matches the public key associated with the deployment. This private key file must be in the PuTTY .ppk format. If the private key file was originally created on the Linux platform, you can use the PuTTYgen program to convert it to the .ppk format.


To connect to a compute node using the PuTTY program on Windows:
  1. Download and install PuTTY.

    To download PuTTY, go to and click the You can download PuTTY here link.

  2. Run the PuTTY program.

    The PuTTY Configuration window is displayed, showing the Session panel.

  3. In Host Name (or IP address) box, enter the IP address of the compute node.
  4. Confirm that the Connection type option is set to SSH.
  5. In the Category tree, expand Connection if necessary and then click Data.

    The Data panel is displayed.

  6. In Auto-login username box, enter the user you want to connect as:
    • Connect as the user oracle to perform most operations; this user does not have root access to the compute node.

    • Connect as the user opc to perform operations that require root access to the compute node, such as backing up or patching; this user can use the sudo command to gain root access to the compute node.

  7. Confirm that the When username is not specified option is set to Prompt.
  8. In the Category tree, expand SSH and then click Auth.

    The Auth panel is displayed.

  9. Click the Browse button next to the Private key file for authentication box. Then, in the Select private key file window, navigate to and open the private key file that matches the public key that is associated with the deployment.
  10. In the Category tree, click Session.

    The Session panel is displayed.

  11. In the Saved Sessions box, enter a name for this connection configuration. Then, click Save.
  12. Click Open to open the connection.

    The PuTTY Configuration window is closed and the PuTTY window is displayed.

  13. If this is the first time you are connecting to the VM, the PuTTY Security Alert window is displayed, prompting you to confirm the public key. Click Yes to continue connecting.