Accessing Enterprise Manager Database Express 18c, or later

Enterprise Manager Database Express (EM Express), a web-based tool for managing Oracle Database, is available on Oracle Database Exadata Cloud at Customer database deployments created using Oracle Database 18c, or later.

You can access EM Express in the following ways:

Using the Open EM Console Menu Item to Access EM Express

  1. Open the Instances page of the Oracle Database Cloud Service console.

    For detailed instructions, see Accessing the My Services Dashboard and the Oracle Database Cloud Service Console.

  2. From the action menu (Menu icon) for the deployment, select Open EM Console.

  3. If your browser displays a warning that your connection is not secure or not private, use the browser’s advanced option to ignore the warning and continue.

    You get this warning because Exadata Cloud at Customer database deployments use a self-signed certificate to provide HTTPS (secure HTTP) connectivity, and such certificates are considered suspicious by many web browsers.

  4. When prompted for a user name and password, enter the name of a user with the DBA privilege (such as SYS or SYSTEM) and the password.

    Enter a PDB name if you want to access a specific PDB or leave it blank to access the root container.

    If you want to connect with SYSDBA privileges, select as SYSDBA.

    After entering or selecting the required values, click Login.

The Open EM Console menu item is also available from the action menu (Menu icon) on the Oracle Database Cloud Service Instance Overview page.

Using a Direct URL to Access EM Express

  1. In your web browser, go to the following URL:


    where node-ip-address is the public IP address of the compute node hosting EM Express, and EM-Express-port is the EM Express port used by the database.

  2. If your browser displays a warning that your connection is not secure or not private, use the browser’s advanced option to ignore the warning and continue.

    You get this warning because Exadata Cloud at Customer database deployments use a self-signed certificate to provide HTTPS (secure HTTP) connectivity, and such certificates are considered suspicious by many web browsers.

  3. When prompted for a user name and password, enter the name of a user with DBA privilege (such as SYS or SYSTEM) and the password.

    Enter a PDB name if you want to access a specific PDB or leave it blank to access the root container.

    If you want to connect with SYSDBA privileges, select as SYSDBA.

    After entering or selecting the required values, click Login.

Using an SSH Tunnel to Access EM Express

  1. Create an SSH tunnel to the EM Express port on the compute node hosting EM Express. For information about creating an SSH tunnel, see Creating an SSH Tunnel to a Compute Node Port.

  2. After creating the SSH tunnel, go to the following URL:


    where EM-Express-port is the EM Express port used by the database.

  3. When prompted for a user name and password, enter the name of a user with DBA privilege (such as SYS or SYSTEM) and the password.

    Enter a PDB name if you want to access a specific PDB or leave it blank to access the root container.

    If you want to connect with SYSDBA privileges, select as SYSDBA.

    After entering or selecting the required values, click Login.

Finding the EM Express Network Port

When a database deployment is created, Exadata Cloud at Customer automatically sets a port for EM Express. You do not need to perform any manual configuration steps. Each database deployment is allocated a unique port number in a range starting with 5500, 5501, 5502, and so on.

To find the port that is in use for a specific database, connect to the database as a database administrator and execute the query shown in the following example:
SQL> select dbms_xdb_config.getHttpsPort() from dual;
