dbaascli database update

The database update subcommand of the dbaascli utility enables you to perform database configuration changes.

Connect to the compute node as the opc user and execute this command as the root user.

The following configuration changes are supported:

  • To modify the allocation of CPU and memory resources to the clustered database instances, run the following command:

    dbaascli database update --dbname dbname --cpu num_cpu [--memory memory_size] [--precheck]

    In the above command:

    • dbname — specifies the name of the database that you want to change.

    • num_cpu — specifies the number of CPUs used by the database instance on each compute node.

    • memory_size — optionally specifies the amount of memory to allocate to the database instance on each compute node. The value can be expressed in megabytes (M) or gigabytes (G).

    This command modifies the allocation of CPU and memory resources to each individual clustered database instance. If you specify the --memory option, then 40% of the specified value is allocated to the Oracle Database PGA, and 60% is allocated to the SGA. If you do not specify this option, then the PGA and SGA are automatically sized according to the number of CPUs that are allocated to each instance.

    Prior to performing an update operation, you can use the --precheck option to run a series of prerequisite checks to ensure that the update can proceed. No changes are made when using the --precheck option.

  • To modify the globally unique database name (DB_UNIQUE_NAME), run the following command:

    dbaascli database update --dbname dbname --db_unique_name dbname_uniquename [--precheck]

    In the above command:

    • dbname — specifies the name of the database that you want to change.

    • uniquename — specifies the user configurable portion of the new globally unique database name.

    This command modifies the DB_UNIQUE_NAME database parameter and related configuration entries that reference it, including entries in the Oracle Cluster Registry (OCR) and database server parameter file (SPFILE). File locations that reference the globally unique database name are also updated, including the location of the data files and keystore.

    Note that the value for the --db_unique_name option must commence with the dbname value followed immediately by an underscore character. The dbaascli database update command will fail with an error if this convention is not observed.

    Prior to performing an update operation, you can use the --precheck option to run a series of prerequisite checks to ensure that the update can proceed. No changes are made when using the --precheck option.

  • To modify the placement of clustered database instances, run the following command:

    dbaascli database update --dbname dbname --nodelist node1[,node2, ...] [--precheck]

    In the above command:

    • dbname — specifies the name of the database that you want to change.

    • node1[, node2, ...] — specifies the list of compute nodes that you want to host clustered database instances.

    This command modifies the placement of clustered database instances. If you specify a compute node that does not currently host a database instance, then a database instance is started on that node. If you do not include a node that previously ran an instance of the database, then the database instance is removed from that node.

    Prior to performing an update operation, you can use the --precheck option to run a series of prerequisite checks to ensure that the update can proceed. No changes are made when using the --precheck option.

  • To reconfigure the online redo log files, run the following command:

    dbaascli database update --dbname dbname --redosize redo_size [--groups num_groups] [--precheck]

    In the above command:

    • dbname — specifies the name of the database that you want to change.

    • redo_size — specifies the size of each online redo log file in megabytes. The valid range is between 1000m and 16000m.

    • num_groups — optionally specifies the number of online redo log groups to create. The default value is 4.

    Prior to performing an update operation, you can use the --precheck option to run a series of prerequisite checks to ensure that the update can proceed. No changes are made when using the --precheck option.