dbaascli database upgrade

The database upgrade subcommand of the dbaascli utility enables you to upgrade the major Oracle Database software release version for a database.

Connect to the compute node as the opc user and execute this command as the root user.

dbaascli database upgrade --dbname dbname --targethome oracle_home [--executePrereqs] [--postUpgrade] [--revert]

In the preceding command:

  • --dbname dbname — specifies the name of the database that you want to move.

  • --targethome oracle_home — specifies the path to an existing Oracle Home directory location, which you want the specified database to use.

  • --executePrereqs — optionally performs a prerequisite check. You can use this option to test the environment prior to performing an upgrade.
  • --postUpgrade — optionally performs the post upgrade steps. You can use this option to rerun the post upgrade steps after resolving the issue that caused a previous failure in the post upgrade steps.
  • --revert — optionally performs a version downgrade. You can use this option to revert back to a previous version.

You can use this command to upgrade a database to another major Oracle Database software release version. For example, you can upgrade from 12.2.X to 19.Y. See Upgrading to 19c Oracle Database on Gen 1 Exadata Cloud at Customer.