Updating the Cloud Tooling on Exadata Cloud at Customer

You can update the cloud-specific tooling included on an Exadata Cloud at Customer compute node by downloading and applying a software package containing the updated tools.


It is highly recommended to maintain the same version of cloud tooling across your Exadata Cloud at Customer environment.

To check the installed cloud tooling release and check for updates:

  1. Connect to the compute node as the opc user.

    See Connecting to a Compute Node Through Secure Shell (SSH).

  2. Start a root-user command shell:

    $ sudo -s
  3. Use the following command to display information about the installed cloud tooling and to list the available updates.

    # dbaascli patch tools list

    The command output displays:

    • The version of the cloud tooling that is installed on the compute node.
    • A list of available updates.
    • Notification of the cloud tooling version that is installed on the other compute nodes in the VM cluster.


    If the command fails or does not provide the expected output, then check the oss_container_url parameter setting in the configuration file at /var/opt/oracle/exapatch/exadbcpatch.cfg.

    The expected URL contains the region and subscription identifiers for your Exadata Cloud at Customer instance in the following form:


    For example, the parameter setting may be similar to:


    You can also validate the accessibility of the storage container by using the curl command. In this case, use the oss_container_url value without the trailing shome directory. For example:

    $ curl -v https://storage.us1.ocm.1234567.oraclecloudatcustomer.com/v1/Storage-idcs-cloudinfra-us1/dbaas_patch

To update the cloud-specific tooling:

  1. Connect to the compute node as the opc user.

    See Connecting to a Compute Node Through Secure Shell (SSH).

  2. Start a root-user command shell:

    $ sudo -s
  3. Download and apply the cloud tooling update:

    • To update to the latest available cloud tooling, use the following command:
      # dbaascli patch tools apply --patchid LATEST
    • To update to a specific cloud tooling release, use the following command:
      # dbaascli patch tools apply --patchid patch-id
      In the preceding command, patch-id is a cloud tooling patch identifier, as reported in the output of the dbaascli patch tools list command.