Access Route

Review the access route requirements for Oracle Cloud at Customer.

Consider the following to allow the delivery team to unpack and move the Oracle Cloud at Customer system effectively:

  • Use a different space or room to remove the packaging material to reduce particles before entering the data center.

  • Allow enough space for unpacking it from its shipping cartons.

  • Make sure that the entire access route to the installation site is free of raised-pattern flooring that can cause vibration.

The following table lists the access route requirements for Oracle Cloud at Customer:

Table 2-2 Oracle Cloud at Customer Access Route Requirements

Access Route Item With Shipping Pallet Without Shipping Pallet
Minimum door height 2184 mm 2040 mm
86 inches 80.32 inches
Minimum door width 1220 mm 600 mm
48 inches 23.62 inches
Minimum elevator depth 1575 mm 1200 mm
62 inches 47.24 inches
Maximum incline 6 degrees 6 degrees
Minimum elevator, pallet jack, and floor loading capacity 1134 kg 1134 kg
2500 lbs 2500 lbs