Create a Colocated Volume Snapshot

Creating a snapshot of a storage volume enables you to capture all the data that is currently stored on the storage volume.

If the storage volume is attached to an instance, then only data that has already been written to the storage volume will be captured in the snapshot. Data that is cached by the application or the operating system will be excluded from the snapshot.

  1. Sign in to the Compute Classic console.
  2. Click the Storage tab.
  3. Go to the storage volume that you want to create a snapshot of. From the menu icon menu, select Create Snapshot.
  4. In the Create Storage Snapshot dialog box, enter the required information:
    • Name: Enter a name for the snapshot.
    • Colocated: Select this check box.
    • Description: Enter a description for the snapshot.
    • Tags: Enter tags to help identify your snapshot, if required.
  5. Click Create.
    A storage volume snapshot is generated.
  6. To view the available snapshots, click the Storage Volumes drop-down list, and select Storage Snapshots.

After creating a volume snapshot, you can use it to create a storage volume that’s identical to the original volume. See Restore a Volume from a Snapshot.