Register a Machine Image

An instance snapshot captures the current state of the nonpersistent boot disk of an instance and uses it to create a corresponding machine image. You can then use this machine image to create other instances. These instances are clones of the instance that you created the snapshot of. Any customization done on that instance is automatically part of instances created using the snapshot.

The image created by an instance snapshot is stored in Object Storage. Before you can use this image to create an instance, you must register this image.

  1. Sign in to the Compute Classic console.
  2. Click the Instance Snapshots tab in the left pane.
    The Instance Snapshots page displays a list of snapshots. Instance snapshots are listed alphabetically by instance name. If an instance has multiple snapshots, the most recent snapshot is listed first.
  3. Go to the snapshot that you want to use. From the menu icon menu, select Associate Image.
  4. Enter a description for the image and click Ok.
After you register the machine image, it is available as a private image that you can create instances from.