Access Your Service Instance

As soon as the instances are created, you will receive an email with your service instance details so that you can start using your Oracle Cloud services. A production and stage environment is created if you are creating an instance of Oracle Sales Cloud, Oracle HCM Cloud, or Oracle ERP Cloud. You'll receive two separate activation emails: one for the stage environment and another for the production environment. If you are creating a test instance, you'll receive a single activation email as only a single instance is created for test environments.

To verify access your service instance:
  1. Open the email and scroll down to the Service Instance Access Details section.
  2. Note down the username and password, and then click Access Your New Service.
  3. Enter the user name and temporary password from the email, and then click Sign In.
    The temporary password is valid only for 60 days.
  4. You’ll be prompted to change your password the first time you sign in. Enter a new password based on the password policy specified on the web console.
  5. As the primary administrator, your next step is to create additional users and assign those users specific roles and responsibilities within your Cloud Account. See Add Users, Assign Policies and Roles.