Updating OAuth Clients

Modify the properties of an OAuth client on the Modify Clients page.

The properties of an OAuth client such as the description, can be modified. A previously untrusted OAuth client can be changed to be a trusted OAuth client, so that the client can now obtain a user token and propagate an end-user identity. APIs can be granted to or revoked from existing clients. The client certificates can be reloaded.

Modifying Properties of an Untrusted OAuth Client

You can modify the following client properties of an existing untrusted client:

  • Edit the description. The client name can’t be changed.

  • Add new resources or remove existing resources.

  • Change the untrusted client to a trusted client by selecting the Trusted check box. To change the client from untrusted to trusted, you must upload a certificate.

  • Upload a new certificate or use an existing certificate.

Modify Untrusted client
Description of the illustration moduntrustclient.png

Modifying Properties of a Trusted OAuth Client

You can modify the following properties of an existing trusted client:

  • Edit the description. The client name cannot be changed.

  • Add new resources or remove existing resources.

  • Update the client's public key (reload the client certificate).

  • Change the trusted client to an untrusted client by clearing the Trusted check box.

  • Upload a new certificate.

Modify trusted client
Description of the illustration modtrustclient.png

Overwriting the Client Profile:

The existing client profile is overwritten based on the changes made to the client. If the api_path is changed (added or removed), then the corresponding Audience attribute of the client changes.