Known Issues

The following issues are present in Shared Identity Management for Oracle Cloud services.

Updating NameID/ SSO Profile Requires Import Of Metadata

After importing partner metadata using the Self Service SSO configuration, you may run into problems updating the SSO profile or NameID mapping.

After you used MyServices > Users > SSO Confguration tab to import partner metadata, if you want to change the SSO Profile or NameID mapping, then you must re-import the partner metadata.

However, after re-importing the partner metadata, the previous settings of SSO Profile / NameID are rolled back to default values. 


The Oracle Identity Federation REST APIs support update via PUT. Use the PUT operation and update only the provided fields.

After Importing Metadata, SSO Is Disabled Automatically

When using the Self Service SSO Configuration tab, if you re-import new partner metadata, SSO is disabled automatically.

As an indication, the message SSO is disabled appears at the bottom of screen.

Whenever you upload a new configuration, you must test the new configuration before enabling SSO.

SSO Configuration Breaks

SSO configuration breaks if a corrupted identity metadata file or a new certificate file is uploaded.


The SSO Configuration may break if you:

  • Uploaded a corrupted Identity Provider metadata file

  • Uploaded a new Certificate file to an existing SSO Configuration

  • Tried importing an Identity Provider metadata file without specifying the SingleLogout endpoint

If there is a existing SSO configuration in place, and you update the Signing Certificate, by choosing Enter identity provider metadata manually, and upload the certificate file, the SSO configuration becomes unavailable, as if there was no configuration in place.

If you have uploaded a corrupted metadata file, during the first configuration, then also the SSO configuration becomes unusable. And because you cannot update the metadata, as mentioned above, the SSO configuration cannot be reconfigured either.

Any attempt to re-create the configuration fails.

Probable Reason

When invoking the Oracle Identity Federation REST API to create or update a partner, the MyServices console sets the SigningCert or EncryptionCert to the exact content of the file, instead of converting to the Base64 encoded value of the binary certificate.


If the certificate is PEM encoded, before you upload the file, ensure that the file does not contain either of the following lines:


If the certificate contains these lines, remove them.

If the certificate is in binary format, the MyServices console does not support uploading this format.

If you are trying to import Identity Provider metadata without specifying the SingleLogout endpoint, edit and add the SingleLogoutService element to your Identity Provider metadata.xml file and then import it.