Testing Network Throughput
This topic does not apply to Oracle Cloud at Customer.
The network test pings the Oracle Cloud data center multiple times with several predefined file sizes, and displays the throughput, latency, and response time. Throughput is expressed in megabits per second (Mbps); latency and response time are expressed in milliseconds (ms). If you contact Oracle for support about poor network performance while using Oracle Cloud, the support representative may ask for this data.
The Results section displays the following:
Target: The Oracle Cloud data center name.
Latency: The average time (in ms) taken for the complete round trip of an HTTP request from the browser running the test page and the Oracle Cloud data center hosting the service.
Sustained Throughput: Throughput is the average data rate attained for the transfer of the entire file. The Sustained Throughput (in Mbps) reports the highest such measurement for any of the files tested. It’s the throughput of one of the transfer attempts of one of the larger files (typically).
You can click the Details down-arrow icon to expand and show the detailed results during or after the test.
The Details section displays the following:
Size: Size (in bytes) of the data file that is used for testing. A size of 0 means an empty file. It’s a request that successfully retrieves a file containing 0 bytes. Tests with the empty file are used to compute the latency.
Average Time: The average time (in ms) across all five iterations for a particular test file size.
Average Throughput: The average throughput rate (in Mbps) calculated from five iterations for a particular test file size.
Instant Throughput: The running count of the transfer rate attained during a transfer. It’s calculated in Mbps as bits per a short interval of time (200 ms) during the transfer.
Instant Throughput may be blank for transfers that are too short in time to provide reliable intermediate estimates. Typically transfers that take 500 ms or less don’t display any information.
Elapsed Time: The time (in ms) taken for each iteration of testing for a particular test file size.