Obtaining a Digital Certificate

Before you can secure the connections between Internet clients and the load balancer, or between the load balancer and the origin servers in the server pool, you must obtain a digital certificate.

For production environments, it is recommended that you use a certificate issued from a Certificate Authority (CA). For development environments, you can use either a CA-issued or self-signed certificate.


Obtaining a CA-Issued Certificate

This option is typically used for production deployments. A CA-issued certificate ensures clients are connecting to a valid server and reduces the chances of a man-in-the-middle attack.

There are multiple CA vendors in the marketplace today, each offering different levels of service at varying price points. Research and choose a CA vendor that meets your service-level and budget requirements.

For a CA vendor to issue you a CA-issued SSL certificate, you need to provide the following information:

  • Your custom domain name.

  • Public information associated with the domain confirming you as the owner.

  • Email address associated with the custom domain for verification.

To obtain a CA-issued SSL certificate, you create and submit a Certificate Signing Request (CSR). For more information, review the instructions provided by your CA vendor.

Creating a Self-Signed Certificate

This option is typically used for your development and testing environments.

There are several ways to create a self-signed certificate and several different third-party software tools you can use to accomplish this task. For example, you can use an open source utility, such as OpenSSL.