Integrate with Oracle Identity Governance


Certified Components

The target system can be any one of the following:

  • Oracle Access Governance supports building an agent for Oracle Identity Governance Version Bundle Patch Number 11 ( or later. If your current version of Oracle Identity Governance is not compatible then contact Oracle Support, who can arrange a patch for your Oracle Identity Governance system


The Oracle Identity Governance source data must meet the following requirements to be eligible for review in Oracle Access Governance:
  • Applications and Entitlements in Oracle Identity Governance must be marked as Certifiable in order to be ingested by Oracle Access Governance. Log in to the Oracle Identity Governance Self Service application and navigate to Request Access → Request for Self → [Search for Your App] and click the information icon, and select the Certifiable flag.
  • For Roles, log in to the Oracle Identity Governance Self Service application and navigate to Manage → Roles → Open the Role. Under Catalog Attributes, select the Certifiable check box.
  • Any access included in an Oracle Access Governance review must have been granted using one of the following grant types in Oracle Identity Governance:
    • Direct Provision accounts and Entitlements
    • Request Provision accounts and Entitlements
    • Reconciled accounts and Entitlements from the targets
    • Bulkloaded accounts and Entitlements
    • Request or Direct provision Role which are associated with access policy

Set Up Oracle Identity Governance Integration

To enable the Oracle Identity Governance agent to connect to Oracle Access Governance, you need to enter connection details and credentials for the target system, and build an agent specific to your environment.

  1. In a browser, navigate to the Oracle Access Governance service home page and log in as a user with the Administrator application role.
  2. On the Oracle Access Governance service home page, click on the Navigation Menu icon and select Service Administration and then Orchestrated Systems.
  3. Select the Add an button, to navigate to the Add an page to start the workflow.
  4. On the Select system step of the workflow, you can specify which type of system you would like to onboard. You can search for the required system by name using the Search field.
    1. Select Oracle Identity Governance
    2. Select Next
  5. On the Enter Details step, enter the general details for the :
    • Enter a name for the system you want to connect to in the What do you want to call this application? field.
    • Enter a description for the system in the How do you want to describe this application? field.
    • Click Next.
  6. On the Integration settings step of the workflow, enter the configuration details required to allow Oracle Access Governance to connect to the required Oracle Identity Governance instance.
    • In the What is the JDBC URL of your OIG database server? field, enter the JDBC URL for the OIG database you want to connect with.


      To obtain the JDBC URL:
      1. Log on to the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console associated with your Oracle Identity Governance instance.
      2. Navigate to Services → Data Sources.
      3. Select oimOperationsDB from the Configurations tab.
      4. Select Connections Pool, and copy the value from the URL: field to use as the JDBC URL for Oracle Identity Governance.

      JDBC URL

    • In the What is the OIG database user name? field, enter the database user to connect to the OIG database.


      This can be any user with read access to the OIG database.
    • In the Password field, enter the password for the OIG database user you have specified.
    • In the What is the URL of your OIG server? field, enter the URL of the OIG server you want to integrate with.


      To obtain the OIG Server URL:
      • Log on to the Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control.
      • Navigate to the System MBean Browser and locate the XMLConfig.DiscoveryConfig MBean.
      • Copy the value of the OimExternalFrontEndURL attribute and use this as the value for the Oracle Identity Governance Server URL.

      OIG URL

    • In the What is the OIG server user name? field, enter the OIG user used for remediation and schema discovery.


      The Oracle Identity Governance Server user can be any user that is a member of the System Administrator administration role. This role is required to perform the remediation process, and to support schema discovery for custom attributes. In the case where only remediation support is needed then user can be a member of the OrclOAGIntegrationAdmin administration role. With this user the schema discovery operation will fail.
    • In the OIG server password field, enter to authenticate the OIG server user when calling OIG APIs to perform remediation.


    Information about the Oracle Identity Governance Server (URL, Username, and Password), and Oracle Identity Governance datasource (JDBC URL, Username, and Password) is required to integrate Oracle Access Governance and Oracle Identity Governance. Oracle Access Governance will use the Oracle Identity Governance data source to load the data and the Oracle Identity Governance Server URL to perform remediation operations. In case of a connection failure, the Oracle Access Governance agent automatically retries a maximum of three times to secure a connection with the Oracle Identity Governance server.
  7. Enter filter attributes which will be used to filter the data that is returned from OIG.
    You can add up to three filter name/value pairs which will be used to restrict the users and accounts ingested from Oracle Identity Governance by Oracle Access Governance. You can also set the search filter values separator to a character of your choice if required (default is ~).

    Details of the attributes you can use to set filters against can be found in Supported Attributes for User Data Load Filtering.

  8. Verify the details entered are correct, and click the Add button
  9. On the Download Agent step, select the Download link and download the agent zip file to the environment in which the agent will run.
    After downloading the agent, follow the instructions explained in the Agent Administration article.
  10. You are given a choice whether to further configure your before running a data load, or accept the default configuration and initiate a data load. Select one from:
    • Customize before enabling the system for data loads
    • Activate and prepare the data load with the provided defaults: If you select this option, the default matching rule for Oracle Identity Governance will be used.

      Table - Default Matching Rule


      Authoritative Source

      userName = userName

      Managed System

      Default rule is not supported. Matching is based on UID.

Supported Attributes for User Data Load Filtering

When configuring an Orchestrated System to on-board data from Oracle Identity Governance, it is possible to filter the user data you want to ingest in Oracle Access Governance. You can restrict which users are on-boarded by setting filters on identity attributes such as department, employee type, location, and others.

User Data Load Filtering Characteristics

You should be aware of the following characteristics of user data load filtering befire configuring filters in your Orchestrated System.

  • Matching of user search filters and user data values filtering is case sensitive. For example. a filter of department = Human Resources would not return users with a value of department = HUMAN RESOURCES, or Department = Human Resources.
  • If no users or accounts match the user data load filter, then no data will be ingested from Oracle Identity Governance by Oracle Access Governance. In this case, however, the data load itself will be labelled as successful in the activity log, even though no identities or accounts are on-boarded.
  • User data load filter values cannot exceed 1000 for any given filter attribute.
  • If an agent is already installed, an agent upgrade is required to enable user data load filters. See Agent Example Usage for details on how to upgrade your agent.

List of Supported Attributes for User Data Load Filtering

You can filter users ingested from Oracle Identity Governance based on the following attributes.

Table - List of Supported Attributes for User Data Load Filtering

Oracle Access Governance Attribute Name Oracle Identity Governance Attribute Name
employeeType usr_emp_type
jobCode usr_job_code
department usr_dept_no
location usr_location
state usr_state
postalCode usr_postal_code
country usr_country
managerUid usr_manager_key
managerLogin usr_login

(usr_login of manager)

organizationUid act_key
organizationName act_name

act_name of act table

territory usr_territory

Example User Data Load Filters

Some examples of usecases you can configure using the User Data Load Filter functionality are provided below:

Table - Example User Data Load Filters

Usecase Configuration Parameters

User with department=Product Development


jobCode=IC004 or M0003

  • userFilter1Name=department
  • userFilter1Value=Product Development
  • userFilter2Name=jobCode
  • userFilter2Value=IC004~M0003
  • userFilter3Name=
  • userFilter3Value=
  • filterValueDelimiter=~

User with state =Kent


organizationUid=1 or 4

  • userFilter1Name=state
  • userFilter1Value=Kent
  • userFilter2Name=organizationUid
  • userFilter2Value=1~4
  • userFilter3Name=
  • userFilter3Value=
  • filterValueDelimiter=~

User with postalCode = 78045 or 12204

with custom delimiter ##

  • userFilter1Name=postalCode
  • userFilter1Value=78045##12204
  • userFilter2Name=
  • userFilter2Value=
  • userFilter3Name=
  • userFilter3Value=
  • filterValueDelimiter=##

User with managerUid = 17981 or 17854


  • userFilter1Name=managerUid
  • userFilter1Value=17981~17854
  • userFilter2Name=managerLogin
  • userFilter3Name=
  • userFilter3Value=
  • filterValueDelimiter=~


Filter value name and the value of the filter are both case sensitive. Using the example above, any of the following would be an invalid filter, and return no results:
  • Example 1:
    • userFilter1Name=MANAGERUID
    • userFilter1Value=17981~17854
    • userFilter2Name=managerLogin
  • Example 2:
    • userFilter1Name=managerUid
    • userFilter1Value=17981~17854
    • userFilter2Name=managerLogin
    • userFilter2Value=Dinorah.Prewitt~SHIRLEY.THOMAS
    • Example 3:
      • USERFilter1Name=managerUid
      • userFilter1Value=17981~17854
      • userFilter2Name=managerLogin
  • Example 4:
    • userFilter1Name=managerUid
    • userFilter1Value=17981~17854
    • userFilter2Name=managerLogin