Manage Access Review Campaigns

Users with the Administrator or Campaign Administrator application role and campaign owners can monitor and manage access review campaigns using the Oracle Access Governance Console.

Manage an Access Review Campaign

Management tasks are performed in the Oracle Access Governance Console.

To manage an access review campaign:

View and Manage Campaigns

  1. Log on to the Oracle Access Governance Console as a user with the Administrator, or Campaign Administrator application role.
  2. You can select one of the following options to navigate to the Campaigns screen:
    • On the console home page, select the Access Reviews tab and select one of the following options.
      • Click the Select button on the Show me my ongoing campaigns tile.
      • Click the Select button on the x campaigns are ready for approval tile.
      • Click the Select button on the Show me all campaigns tile.
    • Click the Navigation Menu icon, and then Access Reviews, and then Campaigns.

    Whichever option you will choose, you will be navigated to the Campaigns screen to manage all campaign access reviews.

    In the Campaigns screen, you can see your campaigns listed in the tabular form that includes campaign attributes, such as campaign name, status, campaign frequency, recurring pattern, campaign owner, and campaign duration (start date and due date).

    You can use the Search field to locate the required campaigns. By default, you see your ongoing campaigns in the list, but you can filter the campaigns by using the drop-down menu in the top, right corner of the application page based on the following categories:

    • My ongoing campaigns: Displays current campaigns with a Status of In progress or Ready for approval.
    • My upcoming campaigns: Displays upcoming scheduled campaigns with a Status of Scheduled or Draft.
    • My previous campaigns: Displays closed campaigns with a Status of Approved, System ended or Terminated.
    • All campaigns: Displays all campaigns with all the available statuses.
  3. To perform tasks on the campaign, you can select the campaign link and then select the Actions menu. The tasks that you can perform are dependent on the Status of the campaign. The tasks that can be performed for each Status are detailed in the table below:


    Tasks can also be accessed by navigating the Menu Menu corresponding to each campaign on the Campaigns page.
    Status Available Actions


    • View campaign details
    • Edit
    • Delete


    • View campaign details
    • Edit
    • Clone
    • Terminate
    • Terminate Series

    In progress

    • View campaign details
    • Clone
    • Terminate
    • Terminate Series
    • View report
    • Download CSV data

    Ready for approval

    • View campaign details
    • Approve
    • Clone
    • Terminate
    • Terminate Series
    • View report
    • Download CSV data


    • View campaign details
    • Clone
    • View report
    • Download CSV data

    System ended

    • View campaign details
    • Clone
    • View report
    • Download CSV data


    • View campaign details
    • Clone
    • View report
    • Download CSV data
  4. Select tasks either from the Menu Menu on the main Campaigns page or from the Actions menu on the campaign detail page. Perform tasks as follows:


  1. Select the Clone task to make a clone of the current access review campaign. You are taken to the Clone campaign page.
  2. On the Clone campaign page, enter values for the following parameters, which will apply to the cloned campaign.
    • How often do you want this to run? : Select One time to run a single occurrence of this campaign, or select a recurring pattern like Quarterly, Monthly, Half-Yearly, or Yearly to run this access review campaign periodically.
    • What do you want to call this campaign?: Provide a name for the cloned campaign.
    • How do you want to describe this campaign?: Provide a description for the cloned campaign.
    • Who owns this campaign?: Provide details of the owner of the cloned campaign.
    • How would you like to schedule your campaign?: You can view this field only if you have selected to run your campaign one time. Select either Run now or Schedule Later. By default, the campaign is set to begin at the upcoming next hour, the following day of campaign creation.
    • When do you want to Begin?: If you have set a recurring pattern, then select the start date of when you want to begin the campaign series. By default, the campaign is set to begin at the top of the next hour, the following day of campaign creation. If you want to change this, select the Select Date Time icon and add a new date/time.
    • When do you want to End?: If you have set a recurring pattern, then select the end date of when you want to end the campaign series.
    • Which approval workflow should be used?: Select the approval workflow that you want to assign to this access review campaign. For details on how to create and manage approval workflows see Create Approval Workflow and Manage Approval Workflow.
  3. When you have set your clone preferences, select Create to clone the current campaign.
  4. You may select one of the additional actions:
    • Save Draft: To save your changes and later come back and edit the workflow or details.
    • Cancel: To cancel the current process.


Select the Edit task to make changes to the upcoming or scheduled access review campaign. You are taken to the Edit campaign page.

The Edit campaign page provides the same guided workflow for entering your campaign parameters as the Create campaign page. You can edit the selection criteria, workflow and reviewer details, campaign details, and schedule of campaign.

After updating your campaign details, on the Review and submit step, select Update to update the campaign. Alternatively you can select Back to edit values, or Cancel to discard your changes.


  1. Select the Delete task to remove the current access review campaign.
  2. On the Confirmation pop up, select Cancel to retain the campaign, or Delete to remove the campaign.


  1. Select the Terminate task to terminate the current access review campaign.
  2. On the Confirmation pop up dialog, select Cancel to retain the campaign or Terminate to end the campaign.

Terminate Series

This option is available only if your access review campaign has a recurring pattern and its frequency is other than a one-time campaign. With this option, you can cancel all the ongoing (currently running) and upcoming (scheduled in future dates) access reviews for that campaign series. This option won't change the closed campaigns available in the My Previous Campaigns.

  1. Select the Terminate Series task to terminate the series of the access review campaign.
  2. On the Confirmation pop-up dialog window, select Terminate Series to end the campaign series or select Cancel to retain the campaign series.

You will get the confirmation message after the termination of the series.


Select Approve to approve a campaign. You will see a confirmation message stating that the campaign has been approved.

Monitor an Access Review Campaign

Monitor the state and progress of campaigns using the Oracle Access Governance Console.

Users with the Administrator, Auditor, or Campaign Administrator application role, or the campaign owner can monitor the state and progress of campaigns.

  • Administrator/Auditor: Can monitor all campaigns in Oracle Access Governance.
  • Campaign Administrator: Can monitor campaigns that they have created.
  • Campaign Owner (User): Can monitor campaigns that they own.

To monitor access review campaigns using Oracle Access Governance Console:

Login and Search for Campaigns

  1. Log on to the Oracle Access Governance Console with a user assigned either the Administrator or Campaign Administrator application role.
  2. You can select one of the following options to navigate to the Campaigns screen:
    • On the console home page, select the Access Reviews tab and select one of the following options.
      • Click the Select button on the Show me my ongoing campaigns tile.
      • Click the Select button on the x campaigns are ready for approval tile.
      • Click the Select button on the Show me all campaigns tile.
    • Click the Navigation Menu icon, and then Access Reviews, and then Campaigns.

    Whichever tile you select, you will be navigated to the Campaigns page, from which you can monitor access review campaigns.

    In the Campaigns page you can either search for campaigns using the selections under the Search field or use the drop-down menu in the top-right corner to select one from the following:

    • My ongoing campaigns: Displays campaigns with a Status of In progress or Ready for approval.
    • My upcoming campaigns: Displays campaigns with a Status of Scheduled or Draft.
    • My previous campaigns: Displays campaigns with a Status of Approved, System ended or Terminated.
    • All campaigns: Displays all campaigns.

View Campaign Details

The information on the Campaign details page is determined by the campaign status. For example:

  • For an In Progress campaign, you can see:
    • Graphic displaying the number of included identities along with your campaign selection criteria.
    • Name of the approval workflow that will be used for this campaign.
    • Approval workflow summary along with count of total and pending reviews. Click the View pending link to see reviewer's name, email addresses, and count of pending reviews with each of them.
  • For a Ready for Approval campaign, you can see approval workflow summary showing total reviews.

Select the Actions menu to further perform actions on this campaign, including clone a campaign, terminate a campaign, download a CSV file for this campaign, or view campaign report.

View report

  1. Select View report to view a report showing the details of the selected campaign.

    You will see a report displaying access review campaign details and breakdown of pending, approved or revoked access review decisions for user role, user account and permissions. You can also see bifurcation of the review decisions grouped based on top five organization, source organization, roles and applications. For example, if you have an identity review setup that impacts applications and different roles, you should see the report displaying the top 5 applications and top 5 roles for which these access reviews are generated.


    The report details will vary based on Orchestrated systems and campaign selection criteria.
  2. If you want to retain a copy of the report, select Download PDF, else select Close to return to the campaign.

Download CSV data

  1. Select Download CSV data to generate a comma-separated values file with data for the campaign.
  2. On the Download CSV data confirmation pop-up dialog, select Download to download the CSV file or else Cancel to discard.