Audit Data of Publisher Catalog Objects

An administrator can enable or disable viewing of the audit data of Publisher catalog objects, configure a connection to the audit data, and create reports to view the audit data.

About Audit Data of Publisher Catalog Objects

You can use the sample reports to view the audit data of Publisher catalog objects.

You can find out the time of access and who accessed the Publisher catalog objects such as reports, data models, sub-templates, style templates, and folders.

Audit data helps you track:

  • Report start, process, end, and download
  • Report job pause, resume, and cancellation
  • Publisher resource creation, modification, copy, and deletion
  • Publisher resource access


User session data (User Login and User Logout events) isn't included in the audit data. Only the reporting activities performed in the host:port/ui/xmlpserver Publisher interface pages are included in the audit data. The reporting activities performed in the host:port/ui/analytics interface pages aren't included in the audit data.

Enable or Disable Viewing of Publisher Audit Data

Administrators can enable or disable viewing the audit data of publishing activities.

  1. Navigate to the Server Configuration page.
  2. To enable viewing of audit data, select Enable Monitor and Audit and set Audit Level to Medium.
  3. To disable viewing of audit data, deselect Enable Monitor and Audit.

Specify the Data Source Connection For Publisher Audit Data

Configure a data source connection for the audit data.

  1. In the Administration page, click JNDI Connection.
  2. Click Add Data Source.
  3. In the Data Source Name field, enter AuditViewDB.
  4. In the JNDI Name field, enter jdbc/AuditViewDataSource.
  5. Click Test Connection to confirm the connection to the audit data source.
  6. Define security for this data source connection. Move the required roles from the Available Roles list to the Allowed Roles list. Only users assigned the roles on the Allowed Roles list can create or view reports from this data source.
  7. Click Apply.

View Publisher Audit Data

You can download and use the sample reports for viewing the audited information.

Make sure you select Enable Monitor and Audit in the Server Configuration page to log audit data, and then configure the JNDI connection to the AuditViewDB data source to view the audit data.

The sample reports use the JNDI connection to fetch data from the data source for auditing. The report layout and data model are pre-designed in the sample reports. You can customize the report layout, but don't change the data model in the sample reports. The sample reports are configured to run as a scheduled job because the size of auditing data can be large. If you want to view an audit report online, select the Run Report Online property and make sure you don't select the Auto Run property of the report.

  1. Download the sample audit reports from the Oracle Analytics Publisher Downloads page.
  2. Upload the sample audit reports to a shared folder in the catalog.
  3. Schedule the sample audit reports you want to view.
    1. Navigate to the sample audit report in the catalog.
    2. Click Schedule.
    3. In the General tab, specify the dates for the Date From and Date To parameters.
    4. In the Output tab, make sure the output format is PDF.
      You can add delivery destinations if required.
  4. After the scheduled job completes, view the report in the Report Job History page.