Work With Logical Table Source Data Filters

This topic provides information to help you understand and add logical table source data filters.

About Logical Table Source Data Filters

A logical table source's data filter limits the data returned from the physical table.

Each logical table source should contain data at a single intersection of aggregation levels. For example, you wouldn't want to create a source that has sales data at both the Brand and Manufacturer levels. If the physical tables include data at multiple levels, then add an appropriate data filter to constraint to values to a single level.

Add a Data Filter to a Logical Table Source

Add a data filter to limit the data returned from the logical table source's corresponding physical table.

For example, if the physical table contains data for all global regions, but you only need data for North America, then add a filter that returns data for North America only.
  1. On the Home page, click Navigator and then click Semantic Models.
  2. In the Semantic Models page, click a semantic model to open it.
  3. Click Logical Layer.
  4. In the Logical Layer pane, browse for and double-click the table with the table source you want to add a data filter to.
  5. In the table's tabs, click Sources.
  6. In the table sources list, click the logical table source that you want to add a data filter to and then click Detail view to open the properties pane.
  7. Scroll to Data Filter and click Open Expression Editor.
  8. Create and validate the filter expression. Click Save to save the expression.
  9. Optional: If the logical source table contains duplicate data, then click Select distinct values.
  10. Click Save.