Integrate with Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Platform Business Processes

Oracle Analytics Cloud integrates with Oracle Enterprise Performance Management (Oracle EPM) platform business processes, for example Oracle Planning and Budgeting Cloud Service.

There're two ways to integrate with Oracle EPM Platform:

  • Visualize data directly from Oracle EPM in Oracle Analytics Cloud - Business users create visualization workbooks using data from cubes or plan types. For example, you can visualize data from Planning and Budgeting Cloud, Hyperion Planning, and Essbase Cubes. Self-service connection requires no special modelling or administration privileges. Business users simply create a connection using the Oracle EPM connection type, and create a visualization workbook.

    See Visualize Data from Oracle Enterprise Performance Management (Oracle EPM).

  • Model data for analyses in Oracle Analytics Cloud Classic - Business analysts model Oracle EPM data first, then publish the semantic model for use by business users. For example, administrators or data modelers might create advanced calculations for an organization to use. Advanced data modeling requires administration privileges, and also requires Enterprise Edition.

    See Model Data in the Oracle EPM Platform.

Best Practices

Connectivity from Oracle Analytics Cloud to Oracle EPM Cloud is subject to concurrent query limits established by Oracle EPM Cloud. These limits are put in place to balance the needs of Oracle EPM application users and reporting applications that retrieve data from Oracle EPM.

Concurrency limits and other application workload on an Oracle EPM system affect the performance of Oracle Analytics Cloud applications that generate high concurrent query volume against Oracle EPM Cloud.

Reduce overall query volume by aligning with the Oracle EPM Cloud limits described in the following table:

Setting or Area Recommended Number
Number of semantic model connections (set by Max Connections) 10
Number of visualizations per each workbook canvas 4

Visualize Data from Oracle Enterprise Performance Management (Oracle EPM)

Connect to an application in Cloud EPM Platform and visualize the data in a workbook. Data is accessed as a live query.

  1. In the Oracle Analytics Cloud homepage, click Create, then Connection, and select Oracle EPM Cloud.
  2. In the Create Connection dialog, enter connection details for your Cloud EPM Platform application.
    • In Authentication, select Use the active user's credentials.
  3. From the home page, click Create, then Dataset.
  4. At the Create Dataset dialog, select the Oracle EPM connection that you created in Step 2.
  5. In the Add Dataset dialog, select the cube to visualize, then click Add.

  6. Click Create Workbook, then add the data elements to the design canvas.
    Tip: Use filters to precisely locate the data in your cubes.

Model Data in the Oracle EPM Platform

Oracle Analytics Cloud Enterprise Edition integrates with Oracle Enterprise Performance Planning platform (Oracle EPM). You can build dashboards and analyses from Oracle EPM Cloud.

Overview to Integration with Planning, Close and Tax Reporting on Oracle EPM Platform

Oracle EPM Cloud business processes are used by companies to analyze data for planning, forecasting, and budgeting.

Report builders can analyze and build dashboards of data from Oracle EPM Cloud. Before they start, if you're creating a semantic model, you import the required application metadata from on-premises and cloud data sources, which enables your report builders to create dashboards and analyses.

  • Oracle Analytics Cloud supports Planning, Financial Consolidation and Close, and Tax Reporting.

    If you have Oracle Enterprise Performance Management (EPM) Cloud Version 19.08 and higher, you can also use the Analytic Data Modeling (ADM) driver that's preinstalled with Oracle Analytics Cloud to take advantage of the advanced modeling capabilities provided in Oracle Planning and Budgeting Cloud Service:

    • Generation of number columns that support filtering.
    • Leaf indicator columns.
    • Separate columns per generation for member names and aliases (requires EPM 20.04).
    • Attribute dimensions.
    • Enhanced performance features.
  • You can review the Service Description documents to understand licensing requirements for using this feature. See Service Description Documents.

  • When you import data from Hyperion Planning data sources, both measures and dimensions are imported into your semantic model.

Prerequisites for Integration with Oracle EPM Platform

Before you start, make sure you have the required components in place and deployed correctly.

  • Oracle Analytics Cloud - Enterprise Edition.

  • A Windows 64–bit machine on which to run Model Administration Tool.

  • Model Administration Tool for Oracle Analytics Cloud 5.6 or later.

    Download it from Oracle Technology Network and install it on a local Windows 64–bit machine. See Download and Install Analytics Client Tools for Oracle Analytics.

  • A Javahost process running on the client. (Start a process using the command: C:\oracle\oac-client-5.6\bi\bifoundation\javahost\bin\startOnClient.bat.)
  • If you're deploying Oracle Analytics Cloud, (that is, on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure with Oracle-Managed), configure these options:

    • Set the JAVA_HOME system environment variable to point to your JDK installation.

      For example, C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_162.


    • Edit the file <BIClient_Home>\bi\bitools\bin\admintool.cmd, and below the ESSBASEPATH setting add:set INSTANCE_NAME=%DOMAIN_HOME%
    • Run <BIClient_Home>\bi\bifoundation\javahost\bin\startOnClient.bat to start Javahost.

      If you need to restart the client, run stopOnClient.bat, then rerun startOnClient.bat.

  • If you're deploying Oracle Analytics Cloud- Classic, (that is, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Classic), configure these options:

    • Configure <BIClient_Home>\bi\bitools\bin\admintool.cmd with the instance name:

    • Configure Oracle Analytics Cloud host and port information in <BIClient_Home>\bi\config\fmwconfig\biconfig\OBIS\NQSConfig.INI:


Build and Upload a Semantic Model from Cloud EPM Platform

Build a semantic model on Cloud EPM Platform, then upload it to Oracle Analytics Cloud Enterprise Edition.

  1. In your local environment, start Model Administration Tool, and create a semantic model.
  2. Import the Planning and Budgeting metadata:
    1. From the File menu, select Import Metadata to start the import wizard.
    2. In the Select Data Source page, select Hyperion ADM from the Connection Type list.
    3. In the Select Metadata Objects page, enter connection details.

      For Connection Type, select Hyperion ADM.

      For Provider Type, select Hyperion Planning.

      For URL, specify the connection URL in the format:


      Note: Specify the URL-encoded value %3A instead of a colon (:) to separate the host and port number.

      The connection URL is different on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (Gen 1) and Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (Gen 2).

      • If your Planning and Budgeting application is deployed on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (Gen 1), specify the connection URL as:;tenantName=localhost;hubProtocol=https;

      • If your Planning and Budgeting application is deployed on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (Gen 2), specify the connection URL as:;locale=en_US;tenantName=localhost;hubProtocol=https;

      For User Name and Password, specify the name and password of a user with administration privileges.

    4. When the import is complete, review the metadata in the Physical Layer.
    5. Make sure that you've selected the ANCESTOR_DIM_PROPERTY_SUPPORTED database feature.
  3. Complete your semantic model:
    1. Cut and paste tables in the Physical layer to the Business Model and Mapping layer and to the Presentation layer.
    2. Verify the semantic model and save it as an .rpd file.
  4. In the Physical layer, edit the Connection Pool for this data source, specify a URL using the URL that you used on the Select Metadata Objects page in step 1, and select Shared logon.
  5. Save the semantic model, and ignore the warning that the database features don't match the defaults.
  6. Upload the semantic model to Oracle Analytics Cloud. From the File menu, click Cloud, then click Upload, and enter connection information for your Oracle Analytics Cloud instance.
Users can analyze data and build dashboards using the new semantic model.