Add and Delete Pages in Dashboards

You can add and delete pages in dashboards.


Add Pages to Dashboards

You can add new pages to organize content of a dashboard.

For example, you can first add a new dashboard page that contains regional sales data in a table and in a bar graph. Then, you can add another that contains links to various competitors' web sites.

  1. Open the dashboard for editing.
  2. On the toolbar of the Dashboard builder, click Add Dashboard Page and select the Add Dashboard Page menu option.
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions.

Print Dashboards

You typically view dashboards in electronic form. You can easily print a dashboard if you want to see its pages in PDF or HTML format.

For example, you can print a Stock Control dashboard page so you can refer to it during a visit to a supplier's factory. At this location, no external computing devices are permitted.

  1. Open the dashboard.

  2. Navigate to the dashboard page to print.

  3. Click Page Options, then select Print.

  4. Select Printable PDF or Printable HTML.

  5. Open Adobe Acrobat or a browser window and print from there.

Add Subpages to Dashboards

You can add a new subpage to a dashboard to display additional information.

Adding subpages allows a second level of information to be presented to users. For example, you can first add a new dashboard page that contains regional sales data in a table and in a bar graph. Then, you can add a subpage that contains links to various competitors' web sites.

  1. Open the dashboard for editing.
  2. On the toolbar of the Dashboard builder, click Add Dashboard Page and select the Add Subpage menu option.
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions.

Add Content to Dashboard Pages

You can add dashboard objects (any of the objects from the Dashboard objects pane) to dashboard pages. You can also add objects that you have saved in the catalog.

For example, you can add content to the newly created Sales Performance dashboard to track your team's progress. To do so, you can add a Brand Revenue analysis from the catalog.

  1. Open the dashboard for editing.
  2. Navigate to the page to which you want to add content.
  3. In the Dashboard Builder, select the objects to analyze in the Dashboard Objects pane or the Catalog pane and drag and drop them to the Page Layout area.
    • Use Column to add a column to align content on a dashboard. You can create as many columns on a dashboard page as you need. You can place columns horizontally or vertically.
    • Use Section to add sections within columns to hold the content for the page, such as action links and analyses. You can include as many sections as you need for a column.
    • Use Publisher Report to add one or more reports to make them available to other users. You can use a report to add configured analyses to a dashboard page. You can add a report as embedded content for display on the dashboard page or as a link to open the report in Oracle Analytics Publisher. If you modify in Oracle Analytics Publisher a report you added to a dashboard page and save your changes, then you must refresh the dashboard page to see those modifications.
    • Use Visualizations to embed visualizations and canvases in dashboards to share them with analysts. Drag the project onto the canvas, then choose which canvas or insight to display.Description of dv_in_catalog.png follows
      Description of the illustration dv_in_catalog.png
  4. Set the properties of each object, as appropriate by clicking Properties.
  5. Click Save.

Understand How Dashboard Pages and Oracle Analytics Publisher Reports Interact

You can run, view, and interact with a Publisher report on a dashboard page.

When you add a Publisher report to a dashboard page, the report includes a toolbar that provides these options:

  • Analyze the data in the report.
  • Select the layout template of the report.
  • Change the output format of the report.
  • Export the report.
  • Send the report to an available destination such as a printer, fax, email, or FTP.
  • Schedule the report.

When you configure an agent for a dashboard page that contains a Publisher report, be aware of these criteria:

  • The output format of the Publisher report must be PDF.
  • The agent must be set to deliver content in PDF format.

You can print a dashboard page or a briefing book that contains a Publisher report in certain formats.

If you want to print a dashboard page that contains a Publisher report or to include the page in a briefing book, then you must keep the following points in mind:

  • If you print the briefing book as PDF and if the output format of the Publisher report is PDF, then the Publisher report is printed after the other objects on the page. If you print a dashboard page that contains a Publisher report as PDF, but the dashboard page isn’t part of a briefing book, then the Publisher report isn’t printed.
  • If you print the dashboard page or briefing book as MHTML, then the Publisher report isn’t printed.

Configure the Style and Behavior of Dashboards and Pages

Use dashboard properties to configure style and behavior of dashboards and pages. For example, you might specify whether your team members can export, refresh, or print pages in a dashboard.

  1. Open the dashboard for editing.
  2. To specify the dashboard style and behavior, click Tools and select Dashboard Properties.
    In the Dashboard Properties dialog, make the property changes that you want. For example:
    • Use Style to select from a list of available dashboard styles if you want to change dashboard properties, such as logo, branding, page color, and link color. Administrators create styles and make them available to dashboard builders and users. If you want to use a style that isn’t listed, ask your administrator to create a new style for you then start a new browser session and try again.
    • Use Dashboard Report Links to specify which report links (Analyze, Edit, Refresh, Print, Export, Add to Briefing Book, and Copy) to include with analyses at the dashboard level. You can set these links at the dashboard page level or the analysis level (which overrides dashboard level links).
    • Use Contains HTML Markup if you have administrator privileges to format content with valid HTML markup, including JavaScript.
    • Use Hidden Page to show the page heading of a hidden page when you navigate to it.
  3. To specify the options displayed when content is embedded in an application, click Tools, then select Page Report Links to display the Report Links dialog. Select Inherit Dashboard Settings to embed dashboards with the same options as displayed in Oracle Analytics Cloud, or click Customize to change the options.

    For example, you might click Customize, then click Explore As Workbook to display a link at the bottom of an embedded analysis that enables the dashboard user to explore the report as a visualization.
    Description of description-report-links-embedded.png follows
    Description of the illustration description-report-links-embedded.png

  4. To specify how a dashboard handles incoming navigation parameters, click Tools and select Advanced Page Properties to review navigation options.
    Incoming navigation parameters control the behavior of Oracle Analytics content shared to external portals or applications. For example, navigation parameters might direct users to a particular page in a dashboard, and format the content for PDF output. In the Advanced Page Properties dialog, you use the Incoming Navigation Options to specify whether navigation parameters are applied to all pages in the dashboard or just the landing page.
    You can configure the behavior of these navigation links:
    • Prompted URL - These links direct users to a specific dashboard page and can include formatting parameters. For example, a Prompted URL might go straight to a particular page, and format the content for PDF output.
    • Go URL - These links include parameters to control how content looks and behaves. For example, a Go URL might include a username and password, and a command to refresh the results on a page.
    • "Navigate to BI Content" Actions - These links use the Action Framework to direct users to specific areas of content.
  5. For each type of navigation link, select the scope of the navigation parameters.
    • Click Dashboard to apply the navigation parameters to all pages in the dashboard. For example, if a prompted URL link formats the content for PDF output (using &Action=Print), then you format all pages in the dashboard for output to PDF.
    • Click Page to to apply the navigation parameters to the landing page only. For example, if a prompted URL link formats the content for PDF output (using &Action=Print), then you format just the landing page for output to PDF.
  6. Click OK, then click Save.

Change the Properties of Objects Added to Dashboard Pages

You can change the properties of objects that have been added to a dashboard page.

For example, you can change the column properties of the Brand Revenue analysis to specify the heading display in 14-point bold Helvetica font.

  1. Open the dashboard for editing.
  2. Navigate to the page that contains the object.
  3. Hover the mouse pointer over the object in the Page Layout area to display the object's toolbar and click Properties.

    Depending on the object type, you’ll either display a menu of editing options or a properties dialog.

  4. Make the property changes that you want.
    For example, for a dashboard section, you might select Rename to change the default section name, or for a dashboard web link you might change the caption or target URL.
  5. Save your changes.

Delete Objects on Dashboard Pages

If you add an object that you later decide that you don’t want, then you can delete it.

For example, you can delete last year's Brand Revenue analysis from the Sales Performance dashboard, to replace it with the current year's analysis.

  1. Open the dashboard for editing.
  2. Navigate to the page that contains the object to delete.
  3. Hover the mouse pointer over the object in the Page Layout area to display the object's toolbar and click Delete.

Delete Dashboard Pages

You can delete the current dashboard page, or one or more dashboard pages.

For example, you can delete pages 2 and 3 from the Sales Performance dashboard to retain only the page with the most recent Brand Revenue analysis.

You can delete one or more dashboard pages:

  1. Open the dashboard for editing.
  2. Click Tools and select Dashboard Properties.
  3. For each page to delete:
    1. In the Dashboard Pages area of the dialog, select the page.
    2. On the Dashboard Pages toolbar, click Delete.
    3. Confirm the deletion.
  4. Click OK.

Delete Dashboard Subpages

You can delete one or more dashboard subpages from within a dashboard page.

  1. Open the dashboard for editing.
  2. Click Tools and select Dashboard Properties.
  3. For each subpage that you want to delete:
    1. In the Dashboard Pages area of the dialog, select the dashboard subpage that you want to delete.
    2. On the Dashboard Pages toolbar, click Delete.
    3. Confirm the deletion.
  4. Click OK.