Import a Workbook File

You can import a workbook file (.dva file) that was exported from Analytics Cloud or Oracle Analytics Desktop. You can also import workbooks that were exported from Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications Suite.

Oracle Analytics might prompt for a password to access the workbook's data.
The import includes everything that you need to use the workbook such as associated datasets, connection string, connection credentials, and stored data.


You can import a workbook file exported from the same version (or earlier version) as your Oracle Analytics environment. For example, if you exported a workbook from an Oracle Analytics environment that includes the May 2022 update, then you can import it into other Oracle Analytics environments that include the May 2022 update or a later update (such as July 2022).

However, you might experience unexpected results if you import a workbook that was exported from a more recent update of Oracle Analytics. For example, if you export a workbook from an Oracle Analytics environment that includes the September 2022 update, then Oracle doesn’t recommend that you import this workbook into an Oracle Analytics environment that includes an earlier update, such as June 2022.

  1. On the Home page, click the Page Menu icon and then select Import Workbook/Flow.
  2. In the Import Workbook/Flow dialog, click Select File or drag a workbook file onto the dialog, and then click Import.

    Following a successful import, check that your imported connections are valid by opening and saving them. See Edit a Data Source Connection.