Make a OCI Document Understanding Model Available in Oracle Analytics

Make an OCI Document Understanding model available in Oracle Analytics so that you can perform document classification and key value extraction using data flows.

  1. In OCI Object Storage, create a bucket in a compartment using a suitable name (for example, MyDocumentsModelStagingBucket).
    This staging bucket:
    • Must be created in the accessible compartment.
    • Must be created before registering a model.
    • Can have private visibility.
    • Can be used for multiple models.
    • Can be changed in the Inspect screen.
  2. In the Oracle Analytics home page, click Page Menu Page Menu ellipsis, select Register Model/Function, and then select OCI Document Understanding Models.

  3. At the Register a Model dialog, under From a Connection click the connection that you created in Create a Connection to Your OCI Tenancy.

    Oracle Analytics displays a list of available models in the default compartment.
    To register models in a different compartment, click Select adjacent to the compartment name, and select a different compartment.

  4. Select the model you want to use.
    Select a document classification model to identify documents.

    Select a key value extraction model to extract information from documents, then select Receipt, Invoice, Driver License, or Passport from the Document Type list.

  5. In Model Name, specify a name to identify the model in Oracle Analytics.
  6. In Staging Bucket Compartment, select the location of your staging bucket.
  7. In Staging Bucket Name, select the bucket that you specified in Step 1 (for example, MyDocumentsModelStagingBucket).
  8. Click Register.
To review the registered model, from the Oracle Analytics home page, navigate to Machine Learning, then Models.

Hover over a model, click Page Menu ellipsis , then click Inspect to review the model. For example, click Details to review the ouput columns that are generated for that type of model.