Share a Sequence

Share a sequence with other Oracle Analytics users so that they can use it to prepare data.

Share sequences to enable other users to collaborate with colleagues and reuse Oracle Analytics assets and resources.

  1. On the Home page, click Navigator, then Data, then Sequences.
    Sequences dialog

  2. Right-click the sequence you want to share, and click Inspect.

  3. Click Access.
  4. To share with another user, click User, search for and select the user name, then select either Full Control or Read-Write.
  5. To share with all users with a particular role (BI Content Author), click Role, search for and select the role name, then select either Full Control or Read-Write.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Click Share related artefact(s) to ensure the sequence is usable.

Users with whom you've shared a sequence can access it from the Sequences page when they next log in. Make sure that users also have access to data flows, connections, and datasets used by shared sequences.