Managing Users and Groups

Add users and groups to Oracle API Platform Cloud Service - Classic in your instance’s Fusion Middleware Control console. See Signing in to the Fusion Middleware Control Console for Your Instance.

Adding Users

Add users in the Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control console for your Oracle API Platform Cloud Service - Classic instance.

You must use the WebLogic Administrator account, created when you provisioned your Oracle API Platform Cloud Service - Classic instance, to add users in the Fusion Middleware Control console.

This task assumes that you’ve already signed in to the Fusion Middleware Control console for your Oracle API Platform Cloud Service - Classic instance. See Signing in to the Fusion Middleware Control Console for Your Instance.
To add Oracle API Platform Cloud Service - Classic users:
  1. Expand the WebLogic Server Domain menu, select Security, and then click Users and Groups.
  2. On the Users and Groups page, ensure theUsers tab is displayed.
  3. Click Create.
  4. In the Name field, enter a name for the user.


    User names are case insensitive and must be unique. User names must not include any of the following characters:

    • Semicolons — ;

    • Commas — ,

    • Plus signs — +

    • Equal signs — =

    • Single backslash character — \ (note that two consecutive backslashes may be used; for example smith\\)

    User names must not begin with either of the following characters:

    • Pound sign — #

    • Double quotation — "

  5. (Optional) In the Description field, enter a short description for the user.
  6. In the Provider list, ensure that the DefaultAuthenticator option is selected.
  7. In the Password field, enter a password for the user. Confirm by entering the same password in the Confirm Password field.
  8. Click Create.
The user is created.

Adding Groups

Add groups in the Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control console for your Oracle API Platform Cloud Service - Classic instance.

You must use the WebLogic Administrator account, created when you provisioned your Oracle API Platform Cloud Service - Classic instance, to add groups in the Fusion Middleware Control console for your instance.

This task assumes that you’ve already signed in to the Fusion Middleware Control console for your Oracle API Platform Cloud Service - Classic instance. See Signing in to the Fusion Middleware Control Console for Your Instance.
To add Oracle API Platform Cloud Service - Classic groups:
  1. Expand the WebLogic Server Domain menu, select Security, and then click Users and Groups.
  2. On the Users and Groups page, click the Groups tab.
  3. Click Create.
  4. In the Name field, enter a name for the group.


    Group names are case insensitive and must be unique. Group names must not include any of the following characters:

    • Angle brackets — < or >

    • Backslashes — \

    • Commas — ,

    • Equals signs — =

    • Forward slashes — /

    • Parentheses — ( or )

    • Plus signs — +

    • Question marks — ?

    • Semicolons — ;

    • Square brackets — [ or ]

    Group names must not begin with either of the following characters:

    • Pound sign — #

    • Double quotation — "

  5. (Optional) In the Description field, enter a short description for the group.
  6. In the Provider list, ensure that the DefaultAuthenticator option is selected.
  7. Click Create.

Adding Users to a Group

Add users to a group to give them the same privileges (roles and resource grants) the group possesses.


As a best practice for migrating to newer versions, you should not add groups to other groups. See Best Practices for Managing your Oracle API Platform Cloud Service - Classic Instance.

You also assign roles to users by adding them to the pre-seeded group associated with the role. For example, if you want to assign a user the API Manager role, you must add them to the APIManagers group that is created when you provision your service instance to give them API Management privileges. See Roles.

You must use the WebLogic Administrator account, created when you provisioned your Oracle API Platform Cloud Service - Classic instance, to add groups in the Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control console for your instance.

This task assumes that you’ve already signed in to the Fusion Middleware Control console for your Oracle API Platform Cloud Service - Classic instance. See Signing in to the Fusion Middleware Control Console for Your Instance.
To add users to a group:
  1. Expand the WebLogic Server Domain menu, select Security, and then click Users and Groups.
  2. On the Users and Groups page, ensure the Users tab is displayed.
  3. Click the user you want to add to a group.
  4. Click the Groups tab.
  5. In the Available list, select the group(s) you want to add this user to, and then click the > (Move selected items to: Chosen) icon to move the groups to the Chosen list.

    These groups are created when you provision your service instance and correspond to the specified role:

    Group Associated Role




    Gateway Manager


    Gateway Runtime


    API Manager


    Application Developer


    Service Manager

    See Roles.

  6. Click Save.