Change the State of an API

Use this status to inform people if an API is in a Alpha, Beta, Deprecated, Released, or Retired state. You can also include comments about this state that people can view on the Developer Portal.

To change the state of an API:
  1. From the APIs List page, select the API you want to update.
  2. Click the drawer icon to display the side panel.
    This image shows the Drawer icon on the banner below the User menu.
  3. From the list, select the state you want to assign to the API. The available options are:
    • Alpha: API published for preliminary testing. It might not be feature complete and has bugs.
    • Beta: API is published for beta testing. It is mostly feature complete but has bugs.
    • Deprecated: API is deprecated in favor of a newer version or another API.
    • Released: API is released and ready for production use.
    • Retired: API is retired. Typically an API enters this state after the depreciation period ends or if it is no longer supported.

    Alpha is the default option.

  4. (Optional) Describe why the API is in this state.
  5. Click Yes.
The API’s state is changed. This is reflected in both the Management and Developer portals.