Clone an API

Cloning an API allows a management portal user to easily make a copy of an existing API.

You cannot clone an API if you do not have privileges to create new APIs. For example, if you only have a view grant, you cannot clone an API. You also cannot clone an existing API if there are any pending updates to the API which have not been saved. When the updates are saved or discarded, you can then clone the API.

There are options for two attributes of the original API that you can choose to clone:

  • API Implementation: If this option is selected, all the policy configuration from the original API is copied to the cloned API. However, if the original API contains sensitive security information, such as passwords, in the policies, this sensitive information is not available to the browser and a warning message appears. All the policies are still copied, but you must update the cloned API with new password entries after the clone completes. If this option is not selected, the API implementation is initialized with defaults equivalent to creating a new API.

  • Publication — Configuration: If this option is selected, the Overview and Documentation configuration is copied to the cloned API, including any file-based artifacts from the original API. If the original API is published, this state is not copied to the new API. The new API is always in the unpublished state and without a portal vanity name. You must update the cloned API with a unique portal vanity name and publish it.

The API State is not copied from the original API. The default is Alpha, which is the default for newly created APIs. You can choose to assign a different state if you wish. Also note that other information associated with an API that is not listed above is not copied to the cloned API. Deployments, grants, and registrations are set to the defaults for a newly created API, and can be updated after the clone is complete.

To clone an API:
  1. On the APIs List page, select an API.
  2. Click the drawer icon to display the side panel.
    This image shows the Drawer icon on the banner below the User menu.
  3. Click the Clone button.
    The Clone API dialog opens.
  4. Enter a version number for the cloned API.
  5. Deselect the API Implementation and Publication — Configuration options as appropriate.
  6. Click the API State list and select the desired state for the cloned API.
  7. Click the Clone button.