Customize the Look and Feel of the Developer Portal

The Developer Portal branding, general layout, page structure, appearance and behaviors are controlled by a JSON configuration file. You can customize the Developer Portal by editing this file and submitting it via the REST API.

You must be assigned the Administrator role to customize the look and feel of the Developer Portal.

See Sample Developer Portal Configuration File for a sample configuration file. The recommended method to customize the portal is to download the JSON file and change only the objects that you want to modify. The result will be a subset of the original configuration file that you can post to the REST service. The Developer Portal merges your definitions on top of the original configuration file at run-time and modifies the configuration. You can also post a partial JSON file as long as it retains the same structure as the original configuration file.

See Set configuration in the REST API for the Consumer Service for details about what each line in the configuration file does. You can find this REST API under Portal > Customization > Developer Portal Configuration.

Only users assigned the Administrator role can post a configuration file using the REST API.

  1. Download the current JSON configuration file from <Host where Developer Portal is deployed:port>/developers/oap/apiportal.config.json.
  2. Open the JSON file in a plain text editor and modify the properties you want to change. For example, you can modify the logo, background, product name, and page title. Save the file.
  3. Generate an access token for the application associated with your Oracle API Platform Cloud Service instance. You’ll need the access token to post the JSON file changes.
    curl -i
    -u 'clientid:secret'
    -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8' 
    --request POST https://tenant-base-url/oauth2/v1/token 
    -d 'grant_type=password&username=user-name&password=password&scope=scope'


    • clientid refers to the client ID of the client application for your Oracle API Platform Cloud Service instance in Oracle Identity Cloud Service.
    • secret refers to the client secret of the client application Oracle API Platform Cloud Service instance in Oracle Identity Cloud Service. The client ID and client secret are equivalent to a credential that your application uses to communicate with Oracle Identity Cloud Service.
    • tenant-base-url refers to the URL of your Oracle Identity Cloud Service instance.
    • user-name refers to your user name.

    • password  refers to your password. You must escape special characters.

    • scope refers to the scope for the API Platform Cloud Service product REST APIs. You can find the scope value in Oracle Identity Cloud Servicefor your client application under Resources > Primary Audience

      The scope looks like this: https://app-id-in-identity-cloud-service.tenant-base-url:443.apiplatform.

    Note down the access token returned.

  4. Use cURL or the REST client of your choice to post the JSON file:
    curl -X PUT 
    -H "Authorization: Bearer access_token
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' 
    -d @apiportal.config.json

    Where, access_token refers to the access token generated for your client application in Oracle Identity Cloud Service, and developer_portal_location refers to the path where the Developer Portal is deployed.

    Alternatively, you can use the PATCH method to change individual settings by sending a partial JSON file.

If you want to revert the Developer Portal to its default appearance, see Delete configuration in REST API for the Consumer Service. You can find this REST API under Portal > Customization > Developer Portal Configuration.

Sample Developer Portal Configuration File

The sample is the default Developer Portal configuration file included in a fresh Oracle API Platform Cloud Service deployment.

See Set configuration in the REST API for the Consumer Service for details about what each line in the configuration file does.
  "language": "en",
  "resources": "oap/core/i18n/resources/",
  "branding": {
    "vendor": "${i18n.branding.vendor}",
    "product": "${i18n.branding.product}",
    "product_short": "${i18n.branding.product_short}",
    "title": "${i18n.branding.title}",
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    "analytics": "services/analytics/v1/",
    "administration": "services/administration/v1/",
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    "timeout": "${documentBaseUri}/logout?session"
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