Deploy the Developer Portal On Premise

You can deploy the Developer Portal to an application server running in your infrastructure instead of the instance deployed in Oracle’s cloud.

If you do deploy the Developer Portal on-premise, see Change the Developer Portal URL to update the Management Portal with the correct Development Portal URL for your deployment.

Learn About On Premise Deployment of the Developer Portal

You can deploy the Developer Portal on-premise. The Developer Portal connects to the cloud-based Oracle API Platform Cloud Service instance through its REST service interface. You specify the base URL of your Oracle API Platform Cloud Service instance when you prepare the .war file for deployment.


This image provides an overview of the on premise API Platform Cloud Service Developer Portal architecture:

Description of premise-developer-portal-general-architecture.png follows
Description of the illustration premise-developer-portal-general-architecture.png

AJAX data requests submitted on the browser client are sent to the server on which the API Platform Cloud Service Developer Portal user interface is installed. This methodology eliminates the need for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) and allows the on premise API Platform Cloud Service Developer Portal to operate without cross-domain issues. AJAX requests are processed by a proxy servlet in the on premise API Platform Cloud Service Developer Portal application.


A login servlet is included with the on premise API Platform Cloud Service Developer Portal application to remove the need for a separate identity system. When you login to the on premise API Platform Cloud Service Developer Portal, their credentials are sent to a backend service for authentication. Basic authentication is used only for the initial, authenticating backend service call. If that succeeds, the cookie sent back by the call is stored for the duration of the session and is used for all subsequent backend calls. Your credentials are not stored.

Deploy the Developer Portal to an Oracle WebLogic Server Domain

You can deploy the Developer Portal to a basic Oracle WebLogic Server 12.2.1 domain. This is currently the only supported application server for Developer Portal deployment.
This task assumes you have already installed Oracle WebLogic Server and created a basic domain. See Creating and Configuring the WebLogic Domain in Installing and Configuring Oracle WebLogic Server and Coherence.

You must be assigned the Administrator or Gateway Manager role to download the gateway installer.

To deploy the developer portal to an Oracle WebLogic server domain:

  1. Download the Developer Portal WAR (Web application ARchive) file. This file is included in the gateway installer. See Download the Gateway Node Installer.
  2. Configure the backend service URL:
    You can either configure the web.xml file or the file.
    • Configure the web.xml file:
    1. Unzip the installer, navigate to the developer directory, and extract the contents of the oracle.apiplatform.api-portal.war file.
    2. From the WEB-INF directory, edit the web.xml file:
    3. Open the web.xml file in a plain text editor.
    4. Enter the host and port or IP and port where your Oracle API Platform Cloud Service instance is accessible within the <param-value> </param-value> tags. For example, <param-value></param-value> or <param-value></param-value>.
    5. Save and close the file.
    6. Re-archive the contents of the oracle.apiplatform.api-portal.war file. Make sure the file extension is still .war.
    • Configure the file:
    1. From the apiplatform directory, edit the file (this file and directory are user-created).
    2. Open in a plain text editor.
    3. Add the backendUrl= entry to The file is read in initialization time so it must be there when you deploy the application. The domain root is identified by the domain.home Java system property by specifying the -Ddomain.home=<domain root> property. If you build your domain manually, the property must be added either in or by export EXTRA_JAVA_PROPERTIES="-Ddomain.home=<domain_root> before you start up the domain.
    4. Save and close the file.
  3. Deploy the oracle.apiplatform.api-portal.war file to a WebLogic Server domain:
    1. Open a command prompt and enter the path to the Oracle WebLogic Server. For example: C:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_Home\user_projects\domains\base_domain\bin.
    2. Run startWebLogic.cmd (Windows systems) or (Unix-based systems).
    3. When the status changes to RUNNING, open a browser and log in to the domain’s Administration Console.
    4. Click Deployments in the Domain Structure pane.
    5. Click Install.
    6. Browse to the location of the oracle.apiplatform.api-portal.war file containing your edits.
    7. Select the oracle.apiplatform.api-portal.war file, click Next, and complete the Install Application Assistant.
    8. Click Finish.
The Developer Portal is deployed to the WebLogic Server domain. Try accessing it at <http or https>://<hostname>:<port>/developers, where <hostname> and <port> are the appropriate values for the WebLogic Server domain.