Deploy Endpoints

API Managers can use the Management Portal to deploy, redeploy, or undeploy API endpoints to gateways, if issued the required grants.

Deploy or Redeploy an API Endpoint to a Gateway

Deploy an endpoint for your API to a gateway when you’re ready for it to receive requests.

To deploy an endpoint, API Managers must have the Manage API or Deploy API grant for the API in addition to the Deploy to Gateway or Request Deployment to Gateway grant for a gateway. If they have the Request Deployment to Gateway grant, the request must be approved by a Gateway Manager before the endpoint is deployed; it remains in a Requesting state until it is approved or rejected. If they have the Deploy to Gateway grant the request is automatically approved.
  1. From the APIs List page, select the API that you want to deploy.
  2. Click the Deployments icon (Deployments) tab.
  3. To deploy an API that is not already deployed to the gateway:
    1. Click Deploy API.
    2. Use the Filter field to find and select the gateway you want to deploy to.
    3. From the Initial Deployment State section, select Active to deploy the API in an active state, or select Inactive to deploy the API in an inactive state.
    4. (Optional) In the Description field, enter comments about the API deployment.
    5. Click Deploy.
    The deployment enters a Waiting state and the logical gateway definition is updated. The endpoint is deployed the next time gateway node(s) poll the management server for the updated gateway definition.
  4. To redeploy an API:
    1. Hover over the Production Gateway deployment, and click Redeploy when it appears.
    2. Click Latest Iteration to deploy the most recently saved iteration of the API, or click Current Iteration to redeploy the currently deployed iteration of the API.
    3. When prompted, enter comments about why you are redeploying the API, and then click Yes.
    The deployment enters a Waiting state and the logical gateway definition is updated. The endpoint is deployed the next time gateway node(s) poll the management server for the updated gateway definition.
The deployment request is submitted. Depending on the grant combinations you are issued, the request might have to be approved by a Gateway Manager user.

The endpoint moves to the Deployed tab when the deployment is successful and approved, if applicable.

Undeploy an API from a Gateway

Undeploy an API if you no longer want gateway nodes to process requests for it.

API Managers must be issued the Manage API grant for the API and the Deploy to Gateway or Request Deploy to Gateway grant for the gateway to undeploy that API from that gateway. If you have the Request Deploy to gateway grant, a Gateway Manager must approve the undeployment request.

To undeploy an API from a gateway:

  1. From the APIs List page, select the API you want to undeploy.
  2. Click the Deployments icon (Deployments) tab.
  3. Hover over the API you want to undeploy, and then click Undeploy.
  4. When prompted, enter comments about why you are redeploying the API, and then click Yes.
The undeployment request enters the Waiting state, which means that the undeployment request is pending. The API is undeployed from nodes registered to the gateway when each polls the management service for the latest logical gateway definition.