Edit the Data in Business Objects

You can directly edit business object data stored in your databases, by using a business object's Data tab to modify, export, and import the data.

The Data tab displays a table with the data for each of the business objects in your application. You can add data by creating new rows and adding data to the fields in business objects. Use the tools in the toolbar to perform the following functions:

  • For business objects marked as containing application setup data, reload setup data from application sources
  • Import a CSV file or Excel spreadsheet (.xls or .xlsx) to replace or append data
  • Export the entire table as a CSV file
  • Refresh the data display
  • Select the fields to be displayed (by default, only the Id field and user-created fields are displayed)
  • Edit the data stored in the editable fields of an object by editing individual rows
  • Delete a row
  • Duplicate a row
To edit the data in a single row:
  1. Select the business object you want to edit and open the Data tab.
    The table in the Data tab displays the data stored in the business object's fields.
  2. Select the row that you want to edit and click the Edit Row icon in the table toolbar to open the Edit Row dialog.
    Description of bo-data-edit-row.png follows
    Description of the illustration bo-data-edit-row.png
    The Edit Row dialog displays the editable fields in the business object and the current data stored in the selected record. Some fields, such as the creation date, are populated automatically and are not displayed in the edit dialog.
  3. Make your changes in the dialog. Click Save.
    The validation rules for fields are enforced when you edit the data stored in the records.