Migrate Your Visual Application

You can migrate a visual application from an Oracle Visual BuilderTraditional Cloud Account instance by importing the application as an archive or by importing it from a Git repository.

The credentials for services used by the application are not imported. You need to supply the credentials after creating the new application from the imported sources. Similarly, the entries for mobile build configurations, such as iOS provisioning profiles, keystores, and passwords are not imported. You need to re-enter these details in the new instance.

Export a Visual Application Archive from the Oracle Visual Builder Traditional Cloud Account Instance

In your Oracle Visual Builder Traditional Cloud Account instance, use the Export action to create a ZIP archive of the visual application you want to migrate to the new instance on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.

When you export the application you can choose if you want the archive to include the development data contained in the application’s custom business objects. Some information, such as credentials for external REST end points, is removed when you export an application. This information needs to be provided after the archive is imported.

To export a visual application and its custom business objects:

  1. Open the Oracle Visual Builder Traditional Cloud Account instance.
  2. On the Visual Applications home page, open the Application Options menu for the application version you want to export and select Export.

    If there are multiple versions of an application you must use the Options menu of the version that you want to export.

    Alternatively, when a visual application is open, you can choose Export in the application’s options menu in the toolbar.

  3. Click Export with Data in the Export Application dialog box.

    When you choose to export the application with data, the archive will include a json file (entity.json) and spreadsheet (entity-data.csv) for each custom business object. The json file describe the business object and the spreadsheet contains the business object data in the development database. If you choose to export the application without data, the archive will only contain the json file describing the business objects.

    The archive will always include the data for any business objects that are identified as containing Application Setup Data.

The visual application and its resources are exported as an archive file. The archive is saved to your local system in the location specified for your browser’s downloads.

Import a Visual Application Archive

In your new Oracle Visual Builder instance on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, you create a new visual application by importing the archive of the visual application you exported from the Oracle Visual Builder Traditional Cloud Account instance.

To import a visual application archive:
  1. Open the Oracle Visual Builder instance on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.
  2. Click Import on the Visual Applications home page.
  3. Click Import from file in the Import Application dialog box.
  4. Drag your visual application archive file on your local system into the dialog box.
    Alternatively, click the upload area in the dialog box and use the file browser to locate the archive on your local system.
  5. Enter a valid application name and ID in the dialog. Click Import.

After you import a visual application, you might need to provide additional details such as credential to service in the new copy of the application. For example, if the application you are importing contains Process definitions, you will be prompted to specify an existing Process application that contains all the process definitions required by the application you are importing.

Import a Visual Application from a Git Repository

If your visual application's sources are stored in a Git repository hosted on Oracle Developer Cloud Service, you can import the application by configuring the connection to the Git repository and creating the application from the imported sources.

To import a visual application from a Git repository:

  1. Open the Oracle Visual Builder instance on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.
  2. Click Import on the Visual Applications home page.
  3. Click Application from GIT in the Import dialog box.
  4. Click Add Credentials in the Import Application from GIT dialog box.
  5. Enter the URL, username and password for your Oracle Developer Cloud Service account. Click Save Credentials.

    After your credentials are checked and saved, the new credentials are added to the list in the Configure DevCS Credentials dialog box.

  6. Select the URL of your account in the DevCS URL with Credentials field.
  7. Select the project, repository and branch of the application's sources.
  8. Enter a valid application name and ID. Click Import.

After you import a visual application, you might need to provide additional details such as credential to service in the new copy of the application. For example, if the application you are importing contains Process definitions, you will be prompted to specify an existing Process application that contains all the process definitions required by the application you are importing.