Quick Start

Set up your environment for caching applications in Oracle Application Container Cloud using the REST API by performing the following tasks.

Step 1: Obtain Account Information

From your account administrator, obtain the appropriate account credentials to enable you to use Oracle Application Container Cloud. Specifically, you will need:
  • Username and password

  • The URL of your Oracle Application Container Cloud instance, which is listed in the welcome email you receive with your trial or purchased subscription.

  • The identity domain for your subscription to Oracle Application Container Cloud.

Step 2: Create a Cache

Before you can deploy an application that uses this REST API, you must create a cache in one of these ways:

Step 3: Understand Basic API Information

To use this API, you need to construct the URL to the cache and understand the methods, media types, and headers used. See Send Requests.

Step 4: Review the Sample Application

A sample application shows you how to use this REST API in a Java application to communicate with a cache. See Sample Application.

This REST API document uses Java examples. However, you can call this REST API from any language.