


This guide is for developers who want to create new or modify existing applications so that they can be deployed on Oracle Application Container Cloud Service.

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Related Resources

See these Oracle resources:

  • Oracle Public Cloud

  • Java SE

    Java Standard Edition (SE) lets you develop and deploy Java applications to desktop and server environments. See Java Platform, Standard Edition (Java SE).

  • Oracle Developer Cloud Service

    Oracle Developer Cloud Service is a cloud-based software development Platform as a Service (PaaS) and a hosted environment for your application development infrastructure. It provides an open source standards-based solution to develop, collaborate, and deploy applications within Oracle Cloud. When you subscribe to Oracle Application Container Cloud Service, you also get a free entitlement to Oracle Developer Cloud Service. You can use Oracle Developer Cloud Service to run application builds and then deploy to Oracle Application Container Cloud Service. See Deploying an Application to Oracle Application Container Cloud in Using Oracle Developer Cloud Service.

  • Java Flight Recorder

    Java Flight Recorder (JFR) generates on-demand detailed recordings of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and the embedded application it’s running. The recorded data includes an execution profile, garbage collection statistics, optimization decisions, object allocation, heap statistics, and latency events for locks and I/O. See Java Flight Recorder Runtime Guide in Java Components Documentation.

  • Java Mission Control

    Java Mission Control (JMC) is a set of tools that runs on the Java Development Kit (JDK) and interacts with a JVM to deliver advanced, unobtrusive Java monitoring and management. See Java Mission Control User’s Guide in Java Components Documentation.


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