Action Definition Properties and Sample Code

In the actions section of the adapter definition document, you define the actions that are available in your adapter.


Property Description


Name of the action that appears as a selectable item in the Oracle Integration user interface.


Tooltip for the action in the Oracle Integration user interface.


Name of the group defined in the categories section of the adapter definition document.


Refers to an action or a flow. The flow is the implementation for the action. Flows are defined in the flows section of the adapter definition document.


Schema used for the output message. It contains the schemaType and schema properties.

The schemaType defines the type of the schema. Valid values are application/json and avro/binary. The schema parameter defines the structure of the input message. It can be an inline schema or a reference to a schema definition in the schemas section of the adapter definition document. The adapter developer can also reference the input to a flow in the flows section of the adapter definition document.

Sample code 1:

"input": {
        "schemaType": "application/json",
        "schema": {
          "$ref": "#/schemas/staticInput"

Sample code 2:

"input": "flow:inputSchemaFlow"


Schema used for the output message. It contains the schemaType and schema properties.

The schemaType defines the type of the schema. Valid values are application/json and avro/binary. The schema parameter defines the structure of the output message. It can be an inline schema or a reference to a schema definition in the schemas section of the adapter definition document. The adapter developer can also reference the output to a flow in the flows section of the adapter definition document.

Sample code 1:

"output": {
        "schemaType": "application/json",
        "schema": {
          "$ref": "#/schemas/staticOutput"

Sample code 2:

"output": "flow:outputSchemaFlow"


Models the configuration option to fully configure the action. Certain actions may need additional information that the user needs to provide to allow runtime to function. The configuration options are modeled as user interface widgets, with data either statically defined or fed by flows. Selections of a configuration field can drive one or more configuration field selections, both in the values that are available or the set of configurations fields that are available.

The configuration defines an extra page for configuring this action. The configuration consists of a set configuration fields (UI components), which will be rendered sequentially in the configuration page.

Define a configuration field using the following required properties:

  • name

    The internal name of this configuration field, unique to the configuration section.

  • displayName

    The display name that appears in the Oracle Integration user interface.

  • typeType of user interface component. You can use the following valid user interfaces:
    • RADIO
    • TEXT_BOX
    • LIST_BOX
    • BUTTON
    • TABLE
    • LABEL
    • FILE

    For more information, see Design User Interface Components of an Adapter

You can also use the following optional configuration fields:

  • description

    Describes the field. This text appears in the Oracle Integration user interface as a tooltip.

  • validation

    References a flow that provides the validation result of the field.

  • default

    Defines the default value of the configuration field.

  • required

    Specifies whether this configuration selection is required.

  • options

    This property is only valid for COMBO_BOX, RADIO, and LIST_BOX user interface components. It consists of a set of key/value (keyName/displayName) pairs.

  • columns

    This property is only valid for the TABLE user interface component. It consists of a set of columns that are defined by the properties name, displayName, type, and options.

  • dependencies

    Defines the relationship of configuration fields.

Sample Code

"actions": {
   "staticInputOutputAction": {
     "displayName": "Simple Action With Static Input/Output",
     "execute": "flow:generalActionFlow",
     "input": {
       "schemaType": "application/json",
       "schema": {
         "$ref": "#/schemas/staticInput"
     "output": {
       "schemaType": "application/json",
       "schema": {
         "$ref": "#/schemas/staticOutput"