Categories Properties and Sample Code

The categories section of an adapter definition document typically contains the properties listed here and has the following sample structure.


Property Description


The display name of the group.


The description of the group.


Defines a set actions or triggers. Each group consists of the following properties:
  • name

    The unique name of the group that is a selectable item value in the design-time user interface.

  • displayName

    The display name of the group that appears as a selectable item value in the design-time user interface.

  • description

    The description of the group that appears as a tooltip in the user interface.

Sample Code

  "categories": {
    "displayName": "Select Service",
    "description": "Enter service name to filter.",
    "groups": [
        "name": "simpleAction",
        "displayName": "Simple Actions",
        "description": "Simple Actions."
        "name": "advancedAction",
        "displayName": "Advanced Actions",
        "description": "Advanced Actions."