Dot (.) Notation Syntax to Authenticate Inbound Signature Policies

This topic describes how to authenticate inbound signature policies with a condition using the Dot (.) notation syntax.

This table describes the context objects and the associated dot (.) notation with examples.

Context object Description Dot (.) notation Example

Connection Properties

Properties for connection configuration.




The contents of the input request are:
  • method

    Uppercase HTTP method.

  • url

    Request URL

  • headers

    Map of headers. Ensure that the header key is in lower case. Use text for a single value and use an array if there are multiple values.

  • query

    Map of query parameters. Use text for a single value and use an array if there are multiple values.

  • body

    Request body as string.



For a single value:

.request.headers.token .request.query.\"x-custom-id\"

For an array:



Security properties

Security properties for trigger as part of the configuration.



Integration properties

Property that identifies the integration.

instanceUrl: Oracle Integration instance URL


.integrationProperties. instanceUrl


Set the output in this context object. Set the output based on the contract of the property.

