Supported Custom jq Functions for Encoding and Decoding

The Rapid Adapter Builder platform supports custom jq functions.


The following list of supported custom jq functions enable the developer to use encoding and decoding mechanisms for inbound security policies:

Base64 Encode Binary/Text Content

Input Output Expression in Adapter Definition Document

A JSON node that can be either binary or text.

Hex encoded string as a text node.

To compute base64 encoded HMAC digest:

{ "arguments": { "body": "${connectivity::hex(connectivity::hmac(\"HMACSHA256\"; .securityProperties.signKey; .request.url + (.request.body| tostring))) }" } }


Hex Encode Binary/Text Content

Input Output Expression in Adapter Definition Document

A JSON node that can be either binary or text.

Base64 encoded string as text node.

To compute Hex encoded HMAC digest:

{ "arguments": { "body": "${connectivity::base64(connectivity::hmac(\"HMACSHA256\"; .securityProperties.signKey; .request.url + (.request.body| tostring))) }" } }


base64URL decode the value

Input Output Expression in Adapter Definition Document

JSON text node

Binary node with decode byte array.

{ "arguments": { "body": "${connectivity::rsa(\"SHA256withRSA\"; .securityProperties.signKey; .request.body; connectivity::base64URLDecode(.request.headers.signature))}" } }


Converts string to binary (byte string) node.

Input Output Expression in Adapter Definition Document

Consists of:

  • Key
  • Text node
  • String to be converted

Binary node

{ "arguments": { "body": "${connectivity::stringToBinary(.input.message)}" } }


Converts binary to string

Input Output Expression in Adapter Definition Document

Consists of:

  • Key
  • Binary node
  • Binary to be converted

Text node

{ "arguments": { "body": "${ connectivity::binaryToString(connectivity::stringToBinary(.input.message))}" } }


Hex decode string or byte array

Input Output Expression in Adapter Definition Document

Consists of:

  • Key
  • Binary node
  • Text or binary to be converted

Binary node

{ "name": "decodedSignature", "type": "expression", "operation": "connectivity::hexDecode(.request.headers.digest)" },


Hex decode string or byte array

Input Output Expression in Adapter Definition Document

Consists of:

  • Key
  • Binary node
  • Text or binary to be converted

Binary node

{ "name": "decodedSignature", "type": "expression", "operation": "connectivity::base64Decode(.request.headers.digest)" },