Explore the VS Code Extension's Features

The VS Code extension for Rapid Adapter Builder is designed to help you easily author an adapter definition document as a JSON file, and efficiently manage your adapter-development life cycle.

In addition to converting a Postman collection of API requests into an adapter definition document, the extension provides several other features, like workspace initialization, validation, code snippets, and so on, to make the authoring process easy.

The following table lists all the features of the VS Code extension for Rapid Adapter Builder.

Feature Description

Workspace initialization

Provides the ability to use a structured workspace on your system and organize adapter-related artifacts within it.

See Configure the VS Code Extension for Rapid Adapter Builder.

Publisher-profile management

Provides the ability to communicate with an Oracle Integration instance to publish and manage adapters.

See Configure the VS Code Extension for Rapid Adapter Builder.

Conversion of Postman collections

Provides the ability to convert a Postman collection of API requests into an adapter definition document. The extension automatically generates several sections of the adapter definition document, including:
  • Connection definitions, including security policies
  • Actions for the tests in the Postman collection
  • Specific design-time for rendering endpoint-configuration UI for each action
  • Action-specific pass-through implementation for invoking the external API at runtime

Also, it supports addition of new requests to an existing adapter definition document.

See Generate an Adapter Definition Document and Add Functionality to an Adapter Definition Document.

Conversion of OpenAPI documents

Provides the ability to convert an OpenAPI document (describing a set of APIs of an application) into an adapter definition document.

See Generate an Adapter Definition Document.

Schema validation

Provides the ability to validate an adapter definition document against the JSON schema packaged with the extension. If a key or value in your document does not comply with the vocabulary described in the JSON schema, the VS Code extension highlights the violations. Also, the extension offers other essential features, such as code hinting or auto-completion of keys and values, and descriptions of valid keys as tooltips.

Additionally, VS Code natively provides features, such as JSON syntax validation, color coding of keys and values, and collapsing or expanding of objects.

See Validate Documents Against a Schema.

Code snippets as templates

Provides the ability to author an adapter definition document using readily-available code templates. The extension provides code snippets as templates for various sections of the adapter definition document, such as connections, triggers, actions, and so on. To author a section in a document, you can use the corresponding template and update it with your details, without having to write the code from scratch.

See Use Code Templates.

Syntactic and semantic validation

Provides the ability to syntactically and semantically validate an adapter definition document. In addition, the extension provides versioning support according to the semantic versioning rules to better communicate the changes made to the document.

See Validate an Adapter Definition Document and Determine an Adapter's Version Number.

Publishing-lifecycle management

Provides the ability to manage the publishing life cycle of an adapter definition document with respect to a particular Oracle Integration instance. Using this feature, you can interact with the Oracle Integration instance specified in the publisher-profile document to perform several tasks, such as registering an adapter bundle on the instance, viewing all the registered adapters on the instance in VS Code, and deleting the adapters.

See Register an Adapter on Oracle Integration and Download or Delete Adapters.

Logging support

Provides the ability to view logs and debug issues while authoring an adapter definition document.

See View the VS Code Extension Logs.